
将机就机  jiāng jī jiù jī







  • 由这架叫做影印的东西图案印出来…
    If you're using transfer paper, The printer will output your artworks…

  • 或许不多普达三个字成为友记忆中的词汇。
    Dopod three words may not be on the plane will be the memory of the Friends of the term.

  • 这样子一来你可以资料库还原到当的那个时间点。
    I was using /tmp/mysql. sock and vadddomain was looking for /var/lib/mysql/mysql. sock, so a link worked.

  • 当奶牛吃食的时候,一条械手臂会清理并奶牛与挤奶连接。
    As the cow patents, a robotic arm cleans and connects the animal to the milking machine.

  • 要求原动与鉆部件装在一起和设备分开以加速处理。
    Keeping the drilling rig competitive meant fast moves between locations, a demand which saw the unitization of prime movers with rig components and sectionalized rig equipment for speedy handling.

  • 至于这个,则是硬碟拷贝,不必透过电脑,可以直接资料互传。
    Hard drive duplicator, capable of data duplication between HDDs without a PC.

  • 那么这是否意味着今年,又有生命在洛杉或其他的河道中牺牲掉。
    And does that mean that this year, too, lives will be lost as a matter of course in the Los Angeles River and in other channels?

  • 按钮调到朋友,该机就会告知附近的寻友用户:你想找人约会。
    Set this device to " friend, " and it will alert nearby Lovegety owners that you might be up for a date.

  • 尽力对当前市场上销售的几种榨汁工作方式、优缺点等作出介绍。
    I will attempt to explain they various styles of juicers on the market today, how they work, and a brief overview of their advantages and disadvantages.

  • 一般生产棉、麻等纤维生产用的开松进行一定的改造,可用于香蕉纤维的纺织。
    To apply the General production of cotton, hemp fiber used for production of the song to a certain degree of improvement, it can be used for textile banana fiber.

  • 用户使用改进工具,只需以一台新磨的小部分成本,这种磨转变成循环磨
    The retrofit "kit" enables users to convert the mill to a circulation mill, similar to the company's Q line, at a fraction of the cost of a new mill.

  • 奶牛进来后会先给它喂一点饲料,然后器手臂会清洁奶牛并其与挤奶接在一起。
    As the cow patents, our a robotic arms arm cleans and connects the animal to the milking machine. A few minutes later, the milking is complete.

  • 这是一台普通的水蒸气大米碾磨,在收割之后大米蒸至半熟,晒干后成了普通的白大米。
    These is a Ordinairy Ricemills with pre boiled plan for steam the paddy first after harvest and after dried and mills like ordinary white rice.

  • 一位办事员每天能8000张卡片输入制表。这样使人口普查办公室节省了几个月的时间。
    A clerk could feed 8000 cards a day through his tabulator, and the Census Office saved months of processing time.

  • 在攻城战中,随着游戏的进行,攻击者会开发出小型投石,渐渐的出现了越来越大的大炮。
    In siege warfare, as the game progresses, the attackers will develop trebuchets and progressively bigger and better cannon.

  • 至此,这次的模切之旅结束了,届时北京制卡网对展会进行独家网络直播,欢迎您随时关注!
    At this point, the die-cutting machine tour was over, when Beijing business card printing on network will be an exclusive webcast, welcome!

  • 一旦设立了虚拟备份文件夹,可以虚拟分组,定期执行备份,而虚拟所处位置不影响备份任务。
    Once you're able to setup a folder of VM's for backup, you can schedule a group of VM's to run on their own backup schedule no matter where the VM's are located.

  • 中国的房地产市场像压在经济上的一个榨汁——通过各种权力手段全部汁液压榨出来,然后喷向房地产。
    China's property market is like a squeegee machine on the economy – all its juice is sucked out through all the levers of power and squirted into property.

  • 通过重写该磁盘文件,PC从备份状态中恢复过来,从最后一次会话开始使之不工作的改变全部回滚。
    By overwriting the disk file, you can restore PCs from a backed-up state and roll back changes that rendered the guest inoperable, all from a terminal session.

  • 中 国的房地产市场像压在经济上的一个榨汁——通过各种权力手段全部汁液压榨出来,然后喷向房地产。
    China's property market is like a squeegee machine on the economy –all its juice is sucked out through all the levers of power and squirted into property.

  • 而利用一层软件来包装一套计算资源和行为并其作为可以利用的计算环境,其核心而言是生成一个虚拟
    But using a software layer to package a set of computing resources and behaviors and to present it as an available computing environment is at the core of what it means to create a virtual machine.

  • 使鉆保持竞争意味著位置之间的迅速移动。这要求原动与鉆部件装在一起和设备分开以加速处理。
    Keeping the drilling rig competitive meant fast moves between locations, a demand which saw the unitization of prime movers with rig components and sectionalized rig equipment for speedy handling.

  • 高返修率使经销商逐渐失去耐心,渐渐地放弃经营这款产品,这款产品这样随著翻新的氾滥逐渐从市场中隐退。
    Fan Xiushuai high-dealers so that gradually lost patience, will gradually give up this product, this product on the refurbishment of aircraft such as the spread gradually retreat from the market.

  • 观看张曼玉在摄影前面表演像看到有人摄影当成无线电收发,确信它能形成之中正掠过她脸庞的情绪接收过去。
    To watch Ms. Cheung's performance is to see someone who, as Garbo did, uses the camera as though it were radio transmitter, trusting it to pick up the inchoate moods that move across her face.

  • 伊尔集团及其合作伙伴为您提供最先进的控制系统(远程遥控或操作)。它们不仅操作简便而且运作精确、值得信赖。
    Irrifrance with its partners can supply you with the most modern control systems, remote or at the machine, making the use of the machines easy to operate, reliable and precise.

  • 规模较小的商业打印谁通常会斗争运行较重的材料能够这样做,一r50一样简单,如果他被印刷在一个900xxl
    A smaller commercial printer who would usually struggle to run heavier material will be able to do so on an R50 as easily as if he was printing on a 900XXL machine.

  • 主管这个项目的部门称他们继续按原定计划开展超级计算的建造工作,按计划明年三月份原型机就开始建造,到2012年建成。
    The institute in charge of the project said that it will stick to its schedule which calls for production of a prototype to start by March 2010 and completion in 2012.

  • 加入一点点柠檬、甜橙、葡萄柚或莱檬的精油到一块织物上,然后它放置到干衣里,那么当衣服干的时候会产生一种很好闻的气味。
    Adding a little essential oil of lemon, orange, grapefruit or lime to a piece of fabric and placing it in the dryer will create a nice scent in the clothes as they are dry.

  • 底盘是以这种方式付运,当货柜落到地面时打开货柜门,雇用一般的具备升降第五个轮子的(柜码头)引机就可以简单地所有(盘)动出来。
    Chassis to be shipped in such a fashion that when container doors are opened at ground level, all units can simply be rolled out employing a typical terminal tractor with an elevating5 th wheel.

  • 批准可进入林区的徒步旅行者被佩戴上异频雷达收发,这样探测器能识别出他们的身份,这是通过军用飞上的“敌友身份识别”系统来完成的。
    Authorised hikers through the park will be given transponders that tell the detectors who they are, as with the "identification friend-or-foe" systems on military aircraft.

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