
痛定思痛  tòng dìng sī tòng








  • 痛能使我们痛定思痛,得以成长。
    Pain and enable us to learn from their mistakes, to grow.

  • 务的嘉禾县前县委书记周余武,痛定思痛,深刻反思。
    Works of Jiahe County Zhou Yuwu former party secretary, bitter, deep reflection.

  • 东南亚金融危机的爆发使东盟国家在吸引外资上痛定思痛
    The explosion of financial crisis in ASEAN countries, gives them a lesson from a bitter experience in attracting foreign investment.

  • 突围成功的黄帝痛定思痛,做了一系列前所未有的精心准备。
    Break the success of the Yellow Emperor to learn from its mistakes, make a series of unprecedented prepared.

  • 痛定思痛的同时,也产生了人们对灾害进行经济学认识的紧迫需求。
    At the same time, We can learn from the painful experience which is important for disaster economics.

  • 我们痛定思痛,从历史中反省,他有成功的地方,也有失败的地方。
    We recall a painful experience, from the introspection in the history, he has successful place, also have unsuccessful place.

  • 国家质检总局痛定思痛,已停止实行食品类生产企业的国家免检制度。
    The National Quality testing Bureau learns from a painful experience, stopped practicing food class Production enterprise's national exempting from inspection system.

  • 1983年起,黔江人痛定思痛,熟悉到生态环境是人类生存的根本。
    Rose 1983, guizhou river person recalls a painful experience, those who realise zoology environment is the mankind lives is essential.

  • 如果俄罗斯的近邻芬兰痛定思痛决定加入北约,则会引起瑞典国内的争论。
    If Finland, Russia's immediate neighbour, feels twitchy enough to think about joining NATO, that may ignite debate in Sweden.

  • 人们痛定思痛,开始寻找水灾发生的种种根源,以便于找到正确的防治方法。
    People recalls a painful experience, begin to seek a variety of source of flood happening, find method of accurate prevention and cure in order to facilitate.

  • 痛定思痛的说:“出来混是要还的。我们忽视了一个真理——要以德服人。”
    "You've got to give credit where credit is due, " he said. "They hit shots. "

  • 丑闻曝光之后,同行们都在痛定思痛,思考今后怎样才能避免此类事件的发生。
    Afterwards, colleagues wring their hands and wonder how such malfeasance can be avoided in the future.

  • 痛定思痛后的史玉柱有了一种管理创新——每个销售经理背后附带多人信用担保。
    Shi Yuzhu have to learn from its mistakes after a management innovation - each with more than a sales manager behind the credit guarantee.

  • 经过四处讨教救厂良方,吴良行痛定思痛,清醒地认识到质量才是一个企业的生命!
    Wu Liangxing went for advice all around for searching the remedy to save the factory, by recalling the painful experience, he clearly recognized that quality is the life of a enterprise.

  • 痛定思痛,我们发现,经营者缺乏抓安全也是发展的意识是造成事故的重要原因之一。
    To learn from its mistakes, we found that the operators of the lack of security also arrested the development of awareness of the accident is one of the important reasons.

  • 在经历了血的教训、在痛定思痛之后,就会真正明白:“坚持到最后者才是胜者”的含义。
    In the aftermath of the bloody lesson to learn from its mistakes in, it will really understand: "those who insist on the end is the winner".

  • 痛定思痛,全县上下充分熟悉到唯有切实保护好森林资源才能从根本上防范和治理自然灾难。
    Recall a painful experience, entire county realises adequately up and down only ability of resource of cogent protection good forest from go up to be on guard and administer natural disaster at all.

  • 可持续发展是人类与自然关系认知史上的一次重大转折和飞跃,是人类痛定思痛后的明智抉择。
    Sustainable development is a great turn and leap in the process of cognition with regard to the relation of human being and nature.

  • 痛定思痛,我们反思一下我们生活的周围,还有多少潜伏在人们身边特别是婴幼儿身边的有害产品呢?
    To learn from its mistakes, we reflect on our lives around, and the number of people hidden in the side especially infants and young children around the harmful products?

  • 痛定思痛,在经历了2008年这场众多人此生最大的跌幅之时,基金公司和基民又有哪些方面需要改变呢?
    Learn from the bitter experience in 2008 has experienced the greatest number of people this time of decline, fund companies and the Christian Democratic and which aspects need to change?

  • 经历了近代中国的法治追寻和共和国的痛定思痛,一直到中国法治方略的确立,中国的法治理想才开始走向现实。
    For recent hundred years, Chinese people have been longed for the realization of "Rule of law". After the long pursuit , China finally set up the "Rule of law".

  • 痛定思痛,东方家园花了半年多到一年的时间,将其商品结构调整成70%是当地商品,业务收入才开始逐渐稳定下来。
    From, the East homes spent more than six months to a year, 70% of its goods into restructuring local commodities, operating income began gradually stabilized.

  • 六步郎同学在本赛季的最后阶段已经实在罩不住健康问题的困扰,终于在骑士被总决赛抛弃之后,痛定思痛横卧上手术台。
    LeBron James was playing with a health issue through the end of the season and the playoffs that has now been taken care of.

  • 他们没有认识到,是因为又有一种新的潮流在人群中形成:拿着本科文凭在职场上很多人一路坎坷,痛定思痛继而决定深造。
    Some of us still don't. I say this because of the new trend among my friends: Since they have found little success with their undergraduate degrees, many have decided to attend graduate school.

  • 放弃,不是怯懦,不是自卑,也不是自暴自弃,更不是陷入绝境时渴望得到的一种解脱,而是在痛定思痛后的做出的一种选择。
    To give up, not cowardice, not inferior, nor give up on themselves, and certainly not in dire straits when the desire to be a relief, but to learn from its mistakes made after an option.

  • 我想,英国电视台是在它的地位被动摇后——在商业电视网络的挑战落到英国广播公司BBC时,它才痛定思痛,找到“成功秘诀”。
    I think British TV only found its "recipe for success" after it was shaken up by the challenge mounted by the commercial TV networks on the BBC.

  • 沈默寡言的师兄阿明一向沉迷拳击,一心一意成为出色拳手,但当他在一次胸有成竹的比赛中惨遭技术性击倒后,痛定思痛,决心到泰国学艺。
    A silent classmate Ming, an ambitious boxing addict, decides to learn boxing in Thailand after a technical knockdown in a contest, which he was confident of winning.

  • 马为民在被公司被“赶”出来以后大病一场,后来张冀光又重提创业,“我们如果不做,就是一个失败者。”痛定思痛后,马为民也决定从头再来。
    Ma Weimin is in by the company by " drive " after coming out a serious illness, zhangji is smooth later bring up again does pioneering work, "If we are not done, it is a loser.

  • 而楚却能够在灭国10多年之后,痛定思痛,奋发有为,实现凤凰涅槃式的角色转换,完成了精雕细刻的最后统一程序,建立起长达400余年的刘汉王朝。
    Chu constructed Liu-han Dynasty which existed for more than 400 years after the country was eliminated for more than 10 years and so completed the final procedure of unity.

  • 痛定思痛,我们有必要对各国反倾销法律制度进行深入剖析,完善我国现行反倾销立法,以期以正确的理论更好的去指导实践,充分利用好反倾销这把国际贸易的双刃剑。
    Then we consummate our anti-dumping law to instruct the anti-dumping practice with a right theory and make a full use of it as a double-edged sword of international trade.

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