
琅琅上口  láng láng shàng kǒu







  • 别忘了它的旋律也很琅琅上口啊。
    Let's not forget it's got some really catchy tunes.

  • 这首诗读起来琅琅上口
    This poem read well.

  • 宋词、元曲琅琅上口,在人们口中广为传唱;
    Song Yuan catchy sound of loud reading people at the mouth widely sung;

  • “关注健康每一周”如何翻译成琅琅上口的英文?
    Attention to our health, all of the weeks!

  • 提高品牌知名度的主要法则有:让独特的产品利益点琅琅上口
    Enhances the brand well-knownness the main principle to include: Let a unique product benefit bang-bang upper opening;

  • 这首歌很琅琅上口,也表明我们已经为零八年奥运会做好了准备。
    It's a very good song, and it means that we are ready for the 2008 Olympic Games.

  • 今晚,想向你介绍一首在国内人人都能琅琅上口的歌,歌名叫:高山青。
    Tonight, I would like to introduce a song which most Taiwanese know how to sing called "Song of The A-Li Mountain".

  • 叠韵词语言浅显明快、琅琅上口,令人心情愉悦,并使语意内涵丰富多彩。
    The clear and easy language of assonance word is easy to read, make people pleased, make the meaning colorful.

  • 歌曲《在心里从此永远有个你》是琅琅上口的情歌,由司文作曲作词并演唱。
    The song "in Henceforth Forever Has You are At heart" bang-bang upper opening's love song, composes music by Si Wen to write words and to sing.

  • 君生我未生,我生君已老,一直觉得读起来琅琅上口,却从未理解此话的含义。
    Gentleman's livinging me livinged, I livinged the gentleman gentleman to miss, has been feel to read easy to read, but never comprehend the meaning of this words.

  • 此外,中文广告中的许多广告词都是文字工整、结构匀称、琅琅上口的广告金句。
    In addition, many of the Chinese advertising advertisements are readable text, structure, symmetry, catchy sound of loud reading, saying the ads.

  • 不管她将来成功与否,人们都将记住阿兰妮斯那琅琅上口的曲子和尖刻辛辣的歌词。
    Regardless of her future success or otherwise, Alanis' songs will be remembered for their catchy tunes and biting lyrics.

  • 探索、游戏、学习、成长不仅仅是琅琅上口的格言。更是我们持之以恒的指导方针。
    Explore, Play, Learn &Grow is not only a catchy motto, but also a set of guidelines we uphold.

  • 布达佩斯这个名字最后变得琅琅上口,这座城市很快便成为匈牙利的政治及工业中心。
    The name Budapest eventually caught on and the city soon became the political and industrial center of Hungary.

  • 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字,在中国叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。
    Each of the Friendlies has a rhyming two-syllable name------a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.

  • 加之,标语口号一般工整对仗,琅琅上口,易于识记,便于传播,起到了很好的动员效果。
    Besides, slogans are generally couplets, easy to read and pronounce, easy to memorize and spread, resulting in good effect in mobilizing.

  • 请帮忙修正这的英文,好吗 今晚,想向你介绍一首在台湾人人都能琅琅上口的歌,歌名叫:。
    Tonight, I would like to introduce a which most Taiwanese know how to sing called Song of The A-Li Mountain.

  • 唱词“引经据典”、灵活自如、生动形象,琅琅上口,理法的剖解蕴含其中,最后使各类纠纷圆满解决。
    The explanation and analysis are implied in the words so that all kinds of disputes are settled satisfactorily.

  • 请问这一句的英文,有错吗 ?今晚,想向你介绍一首在台湾人人都能琅琅上口的歌,歌名叫:高山青。
    Tonight, I would like to introduce a song which most Taiwanese know how to sing called Song of The A-Li Mountain.

  • 不过,别以为他们两人只擅长玩弄创意,他们帮别的歌手作嫁的歌曲里,不乏通俗商业且琅琅上口的作品。
    However, the two not only play around with their own music, they also helped other artists with their music as well, writing and producing songs for many of them.

  • 苏菲·费希尔:你不应该为唱过这些歌而感到困窘,的品质不错,琅琅上口,也很好听,你应该为此感到自豪。
    sophie fisher: you shouldn't be embarrassed of these songs. they're good, quality work and you should be proud of singing them.

  • 苏菲。费希尔:你不应该为唱过这些歌而感到困窘,它们的品质不错,琅琅上口,也很好听,你应该为此感到自豪。
    Sophie Fisher: You shouldn't be embarrassed of these songs. They're good, quality work and you should be proud of singing them.

  • 苏菲·费希尔:你不应该为唱过这些歌而感到困窘,它们的品质不错,琅琅上口,也很好听,你应该为此感到自豪。
    Sophie Fisher: You shouldn't be embarrassed of these songs. They're good quality work and you should be proud of singing them.

  • 《戴帽子的猫》里面有三个幽默滑稽的故事,分别讲述的是他的儿子、女儿和高曾祖父。书中均为彩色插图和琅琅上口的韵语。
    Illus. in full color. The Cat in the Hat tells us three zany stories-in-verse about his son, his daughter, and his great-great-grandfather.

  • 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,在中国,叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。
    Each doll has a Lang Lang missing you name: "Babe, " "Jingjing, " "Huanhuan, " "Yingying" and "Nini", in China, Permian-name is a favorite expression of the child Of the traditional way.

  • 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,在中国,叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。
    Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.

  • 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,在中国,叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。
    Each doll has a Lang Lang上口name: "Beibei, " "Jingjing, " "Huanhuan, " "Yingying" and "Nini", in China, stack tone name is the child of a favorite expression kind of the traditional way.

  • 斯里兰卡的「塔米尔之虎」反叛军,在他们控制的斯里兰卡岛部份地区自行宣告成立的国家,早已拥有国花和国旗,现在他们徵求一首易于琅琅上口的国歌。
    Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels — who already have a national flower and flag for their self-proclaimed state in the parts of the island they control—are now on a quest for a catchy national anthem.

  • 必须得换个名字,换个叫起来琅琅上口的那种的这几天小家伙在我家也熟悉了,性格也放开了,小脸也开始见圆了,见到人也知道腻乎了,最最重要的是,开始玩了,而且是大玩特玩!
    So I decided to change a catchy name for him. After a few days, the kitten was familiar with my home and became open, chubby and clingy. The most important thing is that he started playing!

  • 他们去了许多的地 方,发现了许多有趣的物件。卡拉乐队的神奇音乐魔力赋予这些物件生命力,因此这些物体 可以通过琅琅上口的顺口溜和简单的舞蹈描述他们的名称以及我们需要他们的原因。
    The Early Bird band's magical instruments have the power to bring the objects to life so that the objects can, through catchy song and dance, describe what they are called and why we need them.

  • 琅琅上口造句相关
