
独占鳌头  dú zhàn áo tóu







  • 不过,历史成绩可在我们班独占鳌头
    However, the history score can come out on top in our class.

  • 但总量方面上海独占鳌头
    However, the total volume of Shanghai.

  • 咱家陈酿的长白山人参老酒更是独占鳌头
    Zanjia aging of the Changbai Mountain ginseng wine is come out on top.

  • 硬盘技术在计算机存储领域一直独占鳌头
    HARD disks dominate the field of computer memory.

  • 其中丛台大曲以色、味、香俱佳,独占鳌头
    Daqucong tai them to color, flavor, aroma trilingual, come out on top.

  • 中国的丝绸在远东地区最好的纺织品中独占鳌头
    Chinese silk has often been singled out as being among the finest textiles produced in the Far East.

  • 并非一个人独占鳌头,他们是一伙人把观众逗乐。
    Rather than dominate a crowd, they conspire with the people in the audience.

  • 那么,究竟今年的贺岁盛宴,哪部电影会独占鳌头
    Well, which movie would be the champion in this new year's film feast?

  • 有食品、饮料产品想升级;桦褐菌让您的产品独占鳌头
    The foods and drinks are to be grade: Chaga production gain an edge over competitors.

  • 但是新的数据出来之后,我们就发现中国现在已经独占鳌头了。
    S. treasuries of any country. But new figures reveal that China has now taken the top spot.

  • 简氏防务周刊的拉胡尔。贝蒂说,现阶段很难说哪种飞机独占鳌头
    Rahul Bedi at Jane's Defense Weekly says it is very difficult to say at this stage which aircraft has the edge.

  • 印刷复制业独占鳌头,传媒业和文化娱乐、旅游业所占比重明显偏低。
    Printing and duplicating industry occupies the first pace while the media industry, cultural recreation and tourism accounts for a strikingly low proportion.

  • 对中国出口经济起推动作用的所有石油产业当中,石油化工业独占鳌头
    Of all the petroleum industries that drive China's export economy , petrochemical industry is the champion .

  • 虽然在一段时间里它不会独占鳌头,也不是第一款多点触摸的数码产品。
    It won't be the first, not by any stretch, and it won't be the first multi touch device, naturally.

  • 德国凭借其雄厚实力在欧洲联盟中独占鳌头,其“巨人”角色亦为世人所共睹。
    Depending on its own tremendous strength, Germany is playing a leading role in the European Union, and its role as a "giant" is obviously seen by common people.

  • 当然,谈到好厨艺,美国人并非独占鳌头,无论您到世界何处,人们总是爱吃。
    Of course, Americans don't have a corner on the market when it comes to good cooking. Wherever you go in the world, people love to eat.

  • 良好的口碑,优质的教学,高通过率的结果让鑫远方在建筑培训行业中独占鳌头
    A good reputation, high-quality teaching, high pass rate results for Xin distance training in the construction industry leaders.

  • 数据也显示40至60平方米的小两房单位今年以来以38%的绝对优势独占鳌头
    Data also showed that 40 to 60 square metres of small flat 38% this year in absolute volume.

  • 没有一个国家曾在这个项目上真正地独占鳌头,尽管从获得奖牌数量上讲苏联占优势。
    No country has been truly dominant in volleyball, although the Soviet Union has won the most medals.

  • 采用现代企业管理模式,整合各方资源,力求在二十一世纪通信技术应用方面独占鳌头
    The introduction of modern enterprise management model, integrating all resources in the twenty-first century communications technology applications come out on top.

  • 开幕式令人叹为观止,比赛场馆座无虚席,赛会纪录屡被打破,中国依然在奖牌榜上独占鳌头
    It is amazing opening ceremony, the competition venue was fully packed, who will break the record Lvpi, China is still in the medal list Duzhanaotou.

  • 木版画入选及获奖比例占四分之三左右,在本届展览中仍以数量多、幅面大、技艺精而独占鳌头
    The selected and awarded wood engravings make up about three-fourths of the total works and wood engraving is the champion of this exhibition in terms of its high number, large width and top quality.

  • 卓炯学说的科学性、创新性和前瞻性,在国内和国际社会主义经济理论史上,都是绝无仅有、独占鳌头的。
    Zhuojiong Doctrine is unique in scientificity, innovativeness and forward looking in the history of domestic and international socialist economic theory.

  • BEST系列浮油回收机克服了所有浮油回收机的弱点,以更切合实际的创新科技、更高效的收油手段,独占鳌头
    BEST Series oil skimmer overcomes all weak points of all oil skimmers , which ranks the first place with its more practical and innovative technique and mor efficient oil-receiving method.

  • 但罗森斯打算扫平群雄,独占鳌头,部分原因是哈罗德和他的工程小组在过去一年里,已解决了许多棘手的技木问题。
    The Rosens instead plan to blow away the field in part because Harold and his team of engineers have solved a set of daunting technological issues just in the past year.

  • 然而,惟独人类在演变中独占鳌头:我们谱写交响曲,创造字谜游戏;在我们的手中,顽石诞生为雕像,时空归依为坐标。
    But the same advantage would apply to all species, and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles, carve stone into statues, map time and space.

  • 亚马逊的Kindle自从2007年面世以来,在为用户提供电子书下载和阅读服务设备的新兴市场中,一直独占鳌头
    SINCE it was unveiled in 2007 Amazon's Kindle has dominated the fledgling market for devices that let users download and read electronic books.

  • 事实上,中国零售市场没有哪个中国玩家能独占鳌头,这就是为什么沃尔玛以及其他国际零售商为了在中国扩张而恶战的原因。
    Indeed, China has no dominant national players in the retail market, which is why Wal-Mart and other international retailers are battling aggressively to expand there.

  • 樊:是的,华强北在深圳具有举足轻重的商业地位,它成熟的电子配套市场,不仅在深圳独占鳌头,而且在全国也是首屈一指。
    Fan : Yes, in Shenzhen Huaqiang North with a commercial status, which mature electronic matching market share not only in Shenzhen, but is also second to none in the country.

  • 同时,在布兰妮主打的火热广告宣传运动的推动下,百事可乐公司正在分享到越来越大的市场份额,并且对可口可乐公司长久以来独占鳌头的赞助商身份发起大胆的攻击。
    Meanwhle, Pepsi Co. is riding a sizzling Britney Spears-led ad. campaign to a bigger share, and has launched an audacious assault on Coke's long-held sponsorships. The cola fight is heating up.

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