
源源而来  yuán yuán ér lái








  • 同年晚些时候利润开始源源而来
    Profits began to flow in later the same year.

  • 天空布满伞兵,新波次又源源而来
    The sky was full of paratroopers, and then new waves came in.

  • 抱怨的信件源源而来
    Letters of complaint poured in .

  • 更多供应正源源而来
    More supply is on the way.

  • 食品供给源源而来
    Food supplies are coming in large numbers.

  • 产品质量只有常抓不懈,企业效益才会源源而来
    Only minor product quality, efficiency will flow from the enterprise.

  • 多花点力气让自己更乐观进取,报偿会源源而来
    Invest the little extra effort it takes to be positive and optimistic-it pays off over and over again.

  • 由于新的订单源源而来,工人们三班工作来增加生产。
    As new order keeps pouring in, the workers are working three shift to step up production.

  • 从秘鲁和巴西源源而来的输入,超过了那些国家的有效需求。
    The continual importations from Peru and Brazil exceed the effectual demand of those countries.

  • 一旦你行动起来,动力就会源源而来,惯性也不再成为问题了。
    We all get lazy from time to time (or, to be more honest, all the time), and there's nothing wrong with that.

  • 当马拉松式电视募捐节目持续到第二天时,捐款就源源而来了。
    As the telethon continued into the second day, the contributions were rolling in.

  • 一旦你行动起来,动力就会源源而来,惯性也不再成为问题了。
    Once you get going, momentum builds up and inertia is no longer a factor.

  • 而他也知道,只要他能继续胜投下去,丰厚的待遇自然源源而来
    And he knows as well as anyone that if the wins continue to come, the money is sure to follow.

  • 这种产品刚上市十天,而我们就已经收到源源而来的重购订货单。
    The product has been on the market only ten days and we are already flooded with repeating orders.

  • 这种产品刚上市十天,而我们就已经收到源源而来的重购订货单。
    The product have is on the market only ten day and we is already flooded with repeat order.

  • 事实上,欧美投资源源而来,也证明投资者所看重的是稳定的政治。
    Anyway, the continuous influx of foreign capital has proved that political stability is what investors care most.

  • 一旦你行动起来,动力就会源源而来,惯性也不再成了疑难题目了。
    Once you get go, momentum builds up and inertia is no longer a factor.

  • 所以,我必须竭尽我的所能,回报我所接受到的并且还在源源而来的恩泽。
    So I must try to repay whatever I have received and am receiving"."

  • 现在我们正处在无人问津的情报资料源源而来的阶段,其原因是它们无法检索。
    We have got to the stage now that we pour out information that is not used, because it is inaccessible.

  • 现在我们正处在无人问津的情报资料源源而来的阶段,其原因是它们无法检索。
    now that we pour out information that is not used, because it is inaccessible.

  • 尤其是人民币升息后,面对源源而来的热钱投资,市中心的高价房顿显炙手可热,二手市场已经是一房难求。
    Especially yuan Shengxi, in the face of hot money flow from investments town Gaojiafang Woods Hin profile, the secondary market has been one of the Housing is hard to acquire.

  • 自从政府大力缉私以来,台湾沿海的走私活动已有日渐减少的趋势。不过少的只是枪枝、毒品,农产品仍源源而来
    Since the government got serious about arresting smugglers, the smuggling of drugs and guns has been in decline, but there is still an unending flow of agricultural products.

  • 米歇尔·杜伯尔评论曰,“补充兵源源而来填补损失,但是霍根森林的吞噬欲望大大超过了美军提供部队的能力。”
    "Replacements flowed in to compensate for the losses, " Michael Double comments, "but the Hurtgen's voracious appetite for casualties was greater than the army's ability to provide new troops.

  • 有将近10个师的部队连同坦克、大炮及其他武器都上了岸,后续部队也源源而来,不断扩大盟军对德国守军的优势。
    There are nearly 10 divisions of troops along with tanks, artillery and other weapons have gone ashore, the troops follow-up flow to expand the allied forces on the edge of the German garrison.

  • 可是谣言暗暗流传,像蝙蝠似的在寂静的大街上往来飞掠,说是李将军牺牲了,仗打败了,大量伤亡的名单正源源而来
    But hideous rumors that Lee was killed, the battle lost, and enormous casualty lists coming in, fled up and down the quiet streets like darting bats.

  • 战术情报中心的样子像是个巨大的洞穴,是堡垒上的指挥、通讯、控制场所,瑞克和那里的军官们正追踪着源源而来的情报,但没有一条能派上用场。
    Rick and the other officers from the Tactical Information Center-the ship's cavernous command, communications, and control facility-kept up the flow of information, but none of it was very helpful.

  • 在当代体坛,这样一个金钱至上的世界,无论在何处,钱都能吸引和诱惑任何一名球员,而所谓的对球队的爱不过是为了维持住源源而来的薪水。但皮耶罗和布冯不然,他们的忠诚是空前的。
    Del Piero's and Buffon's loyalty to the team is unprecedented in modern sports, where money can lure a player anywhere and love for a team only lasts as long as the paychecks keep coming.

  • 源源而来造句相关
