
海市蜃楼  hǎi shì shèn lóu








  • 这当然是一厢情愿海市蜃楼
    This, of course, is a fond delusion.

  • 即使没能看到海市蜃楼的奇景。
    Though unable to see a mirage today.

  • 海市蜃楼是由空气引起的光学幻想。
    A mirage is an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions.

  • 这是海市蜃楼,但我不会受此困扰。
    This is a mirage, but I will not be compromised by problems.

  • 如同海市蜃楼,事物显现但不是真的。
    As in a mirage, things appear but are not real.

  • 有些是两两盛开的海市蜃楼
    Some are blossoming mirage of both sides.

  • 那个口渴的人看见了海市蜃楼的景象。
    The thirsty man saw a vision of mirage.

  • 有些是两两盛开的海市蜃楼
    Some of them is mirage blooming together.

  • 中国.内蒙.额济纳旗.「海市蜃楼」。
    China . Neimenggu . Ejinaqi . "Mirage" on a Gobi.

  • 其实,这荒漠只是视野中的“海市蜃楼”。
    In fact, it is just a visionary mirage, common to many people.

  • 这里,有时还能看到“海市蜃楼”的胜景。
    This is also the spot where one may have a wonderful view of a mirage.

  • 海市蜃楼是由大气热潮产生的一种光学幻觉。
    A mirage is an optical illusion founded on waves of heat .

  • 你越追踪气的实相,它越后退,如海市蜃楼
    The more you pursue the reality of the breath, the more it recedes like a mirage.

  • 工业衰退只是延缓了能源海市蜃楼假象的幻灭。
    Recession has only delayed the looming energy crunch (see article).

  • 作品名为海市蜃楼,B4FS获得了竞赛三等奖。
    With Mirage, B4FS Arquitectos obtained the third prize in the competition.

  • 一个毫无问题的人生是幻想——是沙漠中的海市蜃楼
    A problem-free life is a fantasy —a mirage in the desert.

  • 他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。
    He had melted off into the surface-shimmer of the desert, into the mirage.

  • 贝聿铭的伊斯兰艺术馆可望最早完工,足以证明多哈大兴土木并非海市蜃楼
    As the first to reach completion, the Museum of Islamic Art is proof that the boom is not a mirage.

  • 是的,我在等那场海市蜃楼。一直想,沉迷在幻境,或许自己可以变得更快乐。
    I am waiting for a mirage, the one as insubstantial as a dream.

  • 尽管有不计其数的决议和意向性的声明,而全面和彻底裁军这一目标仍然是海市蜃楼
    In spite of the plethora of resolutions and declarations of intent the goal of general and complete disarmament remains a mirage.

  • 镜头前这盆在白天神色奕奕的花此刻正用令我沉迷的色调征服了前方一切的模糊和海市蜃楼
    The flower in front of the camera which was flourishing in the daytime has conquered all the haziness and mirage with her obsessed tint.

  • 整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。
    The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.

  • 虚无飘渺的海市蜃楼是一种非常奇妙的自然现象,其是由特定条件下大气的折射和全反射引起的。
    Dynamic mirages are very beautiful nature phenomena, which are caused by the atmospheric refraction and total internal reflection in some special conditions.

  • 海市蜃楼是沙漠里一种常见现象。它是光波在遇到不同密度的空气层而发生折射时引起的一种光幻象。
    A common desert phenomenon is the mirage, an optical illusion caused when lights waves are bent or refracted by layers of air that are different in density.

  • 有一天,或早或晚,你可能会意识到,浪漫的异国恋和跨国婚姻就象一幢海市蜃楼,美丽却稍纵即逝;
    One day, sooner or later, you might realise sadly that romantic exotic love and cross-border marriage are like mirages, beautiful, but short-lived.

  • 这样,就可能造成更多的贸易摩擦,那么各国所谓联手对抗危机的努力可能就完全像海市蜃楼一样消失。
    This may result in more trade friction, then the countries of the so-called joint efforts to combat the crisis completely as possible, like a mirage disappeared.

  • 知道此身如水泡般无常,以及觉知它如海市蜃楼般毫无实质,他将切断魔王之花,脱离死亡之王的视线。
    Realizing that this body is like froth, penetrating its mirage-like nature, and plucking out Mara's flower-tipped arrows of sensuality, go beyond sight of the King of Death!

  • 实验就象海市蜃楼,在高温下,光线发生弯曲,从而前面的道路就看不见了,而只能看到后面的天空图像。
    It's like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.

  • 而爱情往往是被人加入色彩的,不休止的夸张和海市蜃楼只适用于爱情的语言经营,其他实业则需要实际投资。
    But love often is joined by the human the color, does not stop the exaggeration and the mirage are only suitable for love language management, other industries need the actual investment.

  • 由于使用了小小的“花招”,这些“二手货现实”所表现出来的都市景象给人们带来了接近于海市蜃楼般的模糊感,似乎建筑物慢慢地融化在天空之中。
    By tiny "tricks", this "second hand reality" leads to urban images leaving an impression of blur close to the mirage, as if the buildings were melting little by little in space.

  • 海市蜃楼造句相关
