
求之不得  qiú zhī bù dé








  • 求之不得, 不求自来。
    Follow love, and it will flee; flee love, and it will follow thee.

  • 你帮助我,真是求之不得啊!
    Your help was exactly what I needed!

  • 晋文公求之不得,放火焚山,他抱树而死。
    Jin Qiuzhibude let House of the mountain, he holds the tree to die.

  • 偶像剧有个好故事已经是求之不得的事情。
    There is a good idol drama is the story of Qiuzhibude.

  • 要是他能同我们一起去,那可真是求之不得
    If he could possibly come with us, it really would be just the job.

  • 若是我再也不用去那里了,那真是求之不得呢。
    It suits my book if I never have to go there again.

  • 这正是它求之不得的大礼:一场永无止境的战争。
    This was just what he was looking for: a battle that never ended.

  • 因此,当你用身体发出信号,他自然是求之不得啦。
    Accordingly, issue signal with the body when you, his nature is most welcome.

  • 他们一度求之不得的东西为什么现在要予以排斥呢?
    Why do they now fob off what once they would have welcomed eagerly?

  • 经验是你求之不得后的收获。我认为这说法绝对可爱。
    Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And I think that's absolutely lovely.

  • 然而,抗议者们所奋力争取的正是反对党求之不得的东西。
    The protesters, however, struggle to articulate exactly what they want in its place.

  • 我认为不光是我们想玩弄自然,这恰恰是自然正求之不得的。
    I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think Mother wants us to.

  • 假若她想要的是我的办公桌,她尽管拿走,我还求之不得呢!
    As far as I'm concerned, if it's my desk she wants, she's welcome to it!

  • 而一些外资热衷于与熟悉本地情况的开发商合作,正是一些开发商求之不得的。
    But some foreign capitals crave in with the familiar local situation developer cooperation, is precisely some developers wishes for earnestly.

  • 价下降对消费者来说可能是求之不得的好事,但却会让经济学家们冒出一身冷汗。
    Lower prices may be manna to consumers, but they can cause economists to break out in cold sweats.

  • 香港炎热潮湿的天气反而将影响马匹的状态,这时候来一场雨是马匹求之不得的。
    While the hot and moist weather will influence the horses' state, a rainfall must be the most welcome to horses.

  • 虽然有专家质疑中国的放贷潮能否持续,但这个问题可能正是其他国家求之不得的。
    While some experts question whether China's wave of lending is sustainable, it's the kind of problem other countries would like to have right now.

  • 求之不得是一种痛苦,但比起这种痛苦来,那些不知道自己想要什么的人却更受折磨。
    As tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most are those who don't know they want.

  • 永远别去和猪打架。因为那样的话你们都会变得脏兮兮的,而猪却是对此求之不得的。
    "He was wide open, " Carter said. "I'll go for that every time. I told him if that play happens again, I'm going to make the same play. "

  • 基恩――如果能够杀死蛇,他必定会求之不得。可惜他的密谋失败,最终没能杀死蛇。
    Kevin Keegan - Would absolutely LOVE IT if he had killed the snake, but eventually loses the plot and doesn't manage it.

  • 由于金属行业出口需求剧增,因而工资上涨尤为突出,这是其他行业工人求之不得的。
    and the metal industry has been doing particularly well, with export demand riding high. Workers elsewhere are unlikely to see their pay rise by as much.

  • 寻找“甜爹”:有些女士在嫁给了自己并不中意的丈夫之后仍然继续寻找那求之不得的“甜爹”。
    "Sugar Daddy" Search: Some women continue their search for that elusive "sugar daddy" even after they marry men who do not fit that ideal.

  • 河鼠一面摆饭桌,一面说。“我敢说,有些动物今晚要是能和我们一道吃晚饭,简直求之不得啦!”
    observed the Rat, as he arranged the table. 'I know some animals who would give their ears to be sitting down to supper with us to-night! '

  • 太阳升起后,老头发觉鱼还没有疲倦,只是钓丝的斜度显示鱼可能要跳起来,这正是他求之不得的事。
    Rising sun, the old man that has not yet tired of fish, but fishing line shows the gradient may have to jump up the fish, which are dream for a long time his thing.

  • 老虎同意狐狸借威,狐狸肯定是求之不得,而老虎也可将一些事情交给狐狸去办,省心省力做些大事。
    The tiger agrees with a fox to borrow power, the fox is most welcome for certain, and the tiger also can give a few things the fox goes doing, save worry save labour becomes some of major issue.

  • 好,那么我从艺电公司学到了的一个说法, 我很喜欢,也跟今天的谈话相关,就是经验是你求之不得后的收获。
    OK, and so one of the expressions I learned at Electronic Arts, which I love, which pertains to this, is experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.

  • CPU的运行频率不断提升,硬盘的存储空间越来越大,对于硬件的发烧友和那些高端用户来说,这可是求之不得的。
    The running frequency of CPU promotes ceaselessly, the storage space of hard disk is larger and larger, to the fever of hardware friend is mixed for those high-end users, this can be most welcome.

  • 然而,有的公司靠衍生品来减低大宗商品的价格,利率,或汇率大幅波动的影响,这些公司对这些衍生品是如饥似渴却又求之不得
    Yet firms that rely on derivatives to limit their exposure to swings in commodity prices, interest rates or exchange rates cannot get enough of them—literally.

  • 这种社会主义成了德意志各邦专制政府及其随从----僧侣、教员、容克和官僚求之不得的、吓唬来势汹汹的资产阶级的稻草人。
    To the absolute governments, with their following of parsons, professors, country squires and officials, it served as a welcome scarecrow against the threatening bourgeoisie.

  • 加柯梅蒂、曼.雷等等,求之不得的把作品卖给佩琪.古根海姆。这个继承了大笔财产的美国名女人喜欢杀价,画家一般也不计较了。
    Giacometti, Man Ray : all eagerly delivered their works to the well-known American heiress Peggy Guggenheim, and few objected to her haggling over price.

  • 求之不得造句相关
