
方便之门  fāng biàn zhī mén








  • 方便之门,闭是非之口。
    Open the door, closed the mouth of right and wrong.

  • 这就为某些钻法律空子的官员上下出让打开了方便之门
    This drilling for certain officials from transferring legal loopholes opened the door.

  • 这将对于因专利费率和许可限制提起的诉讼大开方便之门
    It then allows prosecution over royalty rates, or restrictions on licensing.

  • 他说:“我已大开方便之门,因此我不得不计划着没有他的日子。”
    He said: " I have opened the door, so I have to plan for life without him.

  • 这为机构、游资等投机资金在新股首日上市的疯狂炒作大开了方便之门
    This body, such as speculative hot money in the fund shares listed on the first day of frenzied speculation open the door.

  • 心理关卡1。40点位为美元在技术层面的上持续涨获利打开方便之门
    The psychological 1. 40 barrier opens the way for more gains for the dollar on a technical basis.

  • 不少国土部门管理松弛,有的甚至执法犯法,给不法分子大开方便之门
    Many land sector management is lax, and some are even heavier. great convenience to lawless elements.

  • 这迫使企业在原材料使用上往低处走,给部分惟利是图的企业开了方便之门
    This forced enterprises in the use of raw materials to go low Department to the door to some profit enterprises.

  • 二者一起为洗钱提供了许多的方便之门,并掩盖了犯罪所得赃款的最初来源。
    Together they have opened up many more channels for laundering dirty money and provided more opportunities to hide its origins.

  • 满地的污秽之物产生的氨气灼伤着猪的呼吸道,为病毒的入侵大开方便之门
    The ammonium from the waste they live above burns the pigs' respiratory tracts, making it easier yet for viruses to enter them.

  • 很多人相信最高法院的裁决会为其他多个州在今年开了方便之门来通过类似法案。
    With the Supreme Court's decision, it is believed that the door is opened for other states to pass similar legislation this year.

  • 互联网搜索引擎可以轻易搜索到数以百万计信息,这为网络犯罪打开了方便之门
    Internet search engine can search number easily with 1 million plan information, this opened convenient door for network crime.

  • 这项规定为白人外迁者大开方便之门,并对美国试图整合学校的努力加上了宪法限制。
    That decision left the door wide open for white flight, and marked a constitutional limit for America's drive to integrate its schools.

  • 资本账户自由化危及到金融系统的稳定;资本账户开放为国际投机资本打开了方便之门
    First, the liberalization of the capital accounts endangers to the stability of the financial system;

  • 很显然,这既是落后的,也是具有前瞻性的——并且,最糟的形式就是为骗子打开方便之门
    It is clearly backward-looking as well as forward-looking—and in its worst forms it is a licence for fraudsters.

  • 奥巴马总统星期二为可能起诉那些制定法律决定,允许进行严厉审讯技术的官员打开了方便之门
    President Barack Obama Tuesday opened the door for potential prosecution of those who drafted the legal decisions that allowed for the harsh interrogations.

  • 盗版确实让我感到不安,我们所作的一切是否为盗版行为打开了方便之门很难用道德的标准去评判。
    Piracy does upset me, and because what we are doing opens the way to piracy it's harder to justify it morally.

  • 官府的繁文缛节,也妨碍贸易活动的开展,并且为关内来的官员向满洲小商人敲诈勒索开了方便之门
    Red tape was also stifling trade and giving southern officials a chance to squeeze small Manchurian merchants.

  • 惊恐中,联盟通过各项规定提高了烂队成为选秀前三名的几率,于是为“破罐破摔”的球队再次打开了方便之门
    Panicking, the league significantly increased the odds that bad teams would finish in the top three, leaving the door open for tanking again.

  • 宋代通过一系列的科举改革使科举制度达到完备,从而为文士们大开方便之门,为文官制度的发展作了最有效的保障。
    The Song Dynasty perfected its examination system through a series of reforms, which paves the way for scholars and lays solid foundation for the development of this system.

  • 就业指导信息系统,为学生提供就业主渠道,为单位提供查询和发布其信息的方便之门,并实现就业工作的网上管理和指导。
    The system is to provide employment channels for students, facilitates employers with related information, and realizing management and guide of employment work .

  • 南昌万达公司则拿出南昌市有关规划部门的批复文件作为“挡箭牌”,规划部门为开发商大开方便之门的做法遭到了业主们的质疑。
    Nanchang Nanchang show the planning department replied document as a "shield" for developers planning departments of the great convenience for the owners of the practice has been questioned.

  • 急迫“解决”危机的行为为政府在多方面展开行动大开方便之门,但在大部分方面这些行为对危机本身和危机的根源都基本于事无补。
    The rush to "solve" the crisis has opened the door to government actions on many fronts, most of which have little or nothing to do with the crisis or its causes.

  • 这就为某些钻法律空子的官员上下出让打开了方便之门,很多时候、很多地方土地出让就只有协议一种,而且不仅土地管理部门有权。
    This drilling for certain officials from transferring legal loopholes opened the door, many times and many places of a land transfer agreement only, and not only the right to land management.

  • 正如一些人在逮捕这些引发战争医生之后所主张的,应该检查国家卫生服务系统的招聘过程是否为恐怖主义分子进入英国提供了方便之门
    A review of NHS recruitment methods will look at whether the health service is too easy a backdoor into Britain, as some have claimed following the arrest of the "docs of war".

  • 去年十二月份,国际唱片业协会说北京高级人民法院维持其判决,雅虎中国由于通过音乐下载链接为大众版权侵犯打开方便之门而违反了中国的法律。
    In December, IFPI said the Beijing Higher People's Court upheld a ruling that Yahoo China violates Chinese law by facilitating mass copyright infringement through music downloads.

  • 现行煤炭核算办法存在两个弊端:一是忽略了煤炭内在发热量因素,造成煤炭耗用、煤炭成本及库存煤炭反映不真实;二是暂估方法为随意调节成本打开方便之门
    Firstly, the existing coal accounting overlooks the internal heat productivity of coals, which leads to fail to reflect the true costs of coals caused by coal consumption and true inventory of coals.

  • (巴基斯坦认为,美国为印度的武器制造计划大开方便之门)。因为害怕印度的核能力高过自己,巴基斯坦一直不愿意通过协商的方式得出一个禁止生产武器级材料的条约。
    Fearful that India's nuclear arsenal will overwhelm its own, Pakistan continues to block negotiations on a treaty that would freeze all production of weapons-grade material.

  • 美国电影协会表示,迅雷为数百部盗版好莱坞电影的传播打开了方便之门,其中包括《蜘蛛侠3》、《世界大战》、以及《迈阿密风云》等等,这种行为侵犯了其会员的版权。
    MPA said that Xunlei facilitated the unauthorized transmission of hundreds of Hollywood movies produced by its members, including "Spiderman 3, " "War of the Worlds" and "Miami Vice.

  • 大雪无情人有情,在今天冰天雪地的中国,我们期盼着仍有一份未被冰冻的爱,能为那些归乡人打开方便之门,让所有困于雨雪之中的异乡游子们,在其归途上感受到如同家的温暖。
    In the world of ice and snow, we are looking forward to unfrozen love to send conveniency to those who are on their way home. And let them who are in trouble of it feel the warmth at home.

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