
散兵游勇  sǎn bīng yóu yǒng







  • 散兵游勇们在山谷中重整旗鼓,准备发起下一轮攻击。
    The scattered soldiers were rallied in the vale for the next attack.

  • 大量散兵游勇、“包工头”式用工,给行业管理带来困难;
    A lone, "labor contractor" type program to bring industry management difficult;

  • 难道就是这些散兵游勇,凭这几只蚂蚁,就想撼动电脑王朝?
    Could it be those scattered and wandering soldiers, with their ant-like power, hoped to shake up the computer dynasty?

  • 年轻的愣头青们穿着这样的衣服走在街上,就像散兵游勇,邋里邋遢。
    Slovenly, in such clothes, the rash youngsters are wandering on the street like routed soldiers…

  • 不久,英国、奥地利、俄国以及普鲁士组成强大的联盟,攻击这些散兵游勇
    Soon, Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia formed a powerful alliance and attacked these stragglers.

  • 共产党进入战略防御阶段,仅在条件允许的情况下尝试消灭国军的散兵游勇
    Communists are on the strategic defensive trying to destroy isolated Nationalist units when the tactical situation is favorable.

  • 文化最终是一种精神,人是要有精神的,没有精神的队伍是散兵游勇乌合之众
    Culture is a kind of spirit ultimately, all the human being should have spirit, if a group without spirit then they can do nothing successfully.

  • 这种缺乏系统管理、散兵游勇式的培养模式已不能完全适应目前科学发展的需要。
    This pattern is not appropriate in current scientific development with its inefficient management in doctor program.

  • 另据了解,北京市现有三级资质以上开发企业仅100余家,其余皆为散兵游勇
    It was learned that Beijing existing levels of quality above only 100 more enterprises, and the rest dispersed.

  • 他认为,这些包工头带队的“散兵游勇”大量聚集在城市工地上,带来很多深层次的问题。
    He believes that these labor contractor led to the" club "gathered in large urban site, bring many deep-seated problems.

  • 他的目标是把这群军心涣散的散兵游勇(由于法国的陷落)训练成有高度组织性、战斗顽强的部队。
    His aim was to transform a group of disappointed - due to French collapse - and inactive soldiers into a highly organized and skilled team.

  • 其次,在用户方面,相对于各电子杂志专业网站散兵游勇式的“圈地”,门户网站的用户资源优势明显。
    Second, the user, compared to the electronic magazine web site Sanbingyouyong version of "enclosure", the portal users resources obvious advantages.

  • 之前散兵游勇式的“温州炒房团”,如今已在一片弱市中沉寂,继而代之的是“资本+机构+专业”新型投资方式。
    Before remnant of the "Wenzhou real estate group", now in a Ruoshi in silence, and then on behalf of the "Capital + + professional bodies, " a new type of investment.

  • 据记者调查,未经煤气公司批准偷卖管道煤气炉的小店遍布广州,除了这些散兵游勇,连一些电器城也偷卖管道炉具。
    reporters, without the Company approved the sale of the stolen gas stoves store located in Guangzhou, in addition to these club, and even some city also stole electrical appliances sold pipelines.

  • 由于缺少足够的吸引力,许多颇具号召力的知名企业走的走,散的散,中关村只剩下以中小规模为主的“散兵游勇”式企业。
    Because of the lack of sufficiently attractive, and many famous enterprises rather go to the appeal, the casual workers, Zhongguancun only to small and medium-based "club" type enterprises.

  • 比如,有车一族停车后,经常有散兵游勇会不征求司机同意先替你擦车、后找你要钱,他们也讲:“我干活了,你就要给钱!”
    For example, car owners parking, a club will often not agree with drivers for your first Cache and then find your money, they say : "I work, and you have money!"

  • 而目前各地房地产网站的服务水平整体较差,大多是散兵游勇式的,缺少整体的运作思路和强大的推广手段,不能满足实际需求;
    And the current level of services throughout the entire real estate websites poor, mostly club-style, and lack of overall operation of a powerful promotional tools can not meet the actual demand;

  • 社会治安混乱从表面上看是因为在当时的广州市有大量的城市土匪、地痞流氓、散兵游勇、小偷小摸以及其他形形色色的隐性犯罪人群的存在。
    The superficial reason for the turmoil seemed that there were a large number of city bandits, local bullies, hooligans, skirmishers, thieves and other kinds of would-be criminals in Guangzhou.

  • 对房产专业化的需求大幅度提高,房地产企业也在历经了散兵游勇、零打碎敲式的小规模开发之后,逐步走上规模化、品牌化、专业化的道路。
    Significantly increase the demand for real estate professional, real estate enterprises also saw a lone, piecemeal development of small-scale, have gradually scale, brand-oriented, professional way.

  • 散兵游勇造句相关
