
敢怒敢言  gǎn nù gǎn yán







  • 他炽灼的气焰让在座的人敢怒而不
    His power was so great that the people present had to swallow their anger.

  • 群臣畏惧,敢怒
    qun chen fear, gan nu bu gan yan .

  • 丫环敢怒
    Girl dare anger not dare character.

  • 他责骂、批评、抨击、说出人们心中敢怒而不之事;
    He railed, criticized and impugned, calling out what people wish to but dare not say;

  • 佃户夫妻因为害怕,往往敢怒。佃户要是反抗,也绝不会有好下场。
    Very often, the tenant and his wife acquiesced in these relations out of fear, but if the tenant should protest, he had little chance to make his protest effective.

  • 其旨也在通过高压手段来制止敢怒的人士发表批对腐败的当权者不利的论。
    Its aim is to restrain the people who are daring to voice and act.

  • 当时,董卓专权,挟天子以令诸侯,大臣们敢怒,王允为此整天闷闷不乐。
    At that time, lu, carry venutian to take rulers, ministers dares to speak, for wrath WangYun downhearted all day.

  • 因为大家都只敢怒,有一天他不在,大家聚在一起以数落他的不是作为发泄。
    One day he was out and we began to scold him by enumerating his wrongdoings and vent our anger together.

  • 一位不愿披露姓名的出租车司机说:“这几乎成了公开的秘密,群众敢怒。”
    A reluctance to disclose the names of taxi drivers, said : "This seems to have become an open secret, the people you could do anything."

  • 我就是这种人,就是我。其他人都保持沉默,不愿发出正义之声,敢怒的大众。
    That's me, that's me, that's me. The rest is silence, the rest is silence, the rest is silence.

  • 玩具们敢怒,只有正直的“溜冰鞋”站出来坚决反抗,却被驱除出去,无家可归。
    Toys are not only dare to anger, the "integrity" stand firmly against the skates, but to be dismantled, homeless.

  • 谢先生透露说,除了那些“打手公司”自己外,大多数公关公司都对这一现象敢怒
    " thank a gentleman to divulge say, besides those " hatchet man company " outside oneself, company of most public relations is right this one phenomenon dare anger not dare character.

  • 如此低的违信成本,日涨夜大的楼价,使处于弱势的预订购房者真是只有敢怒而不了吗?
    Illegally letter so low cost, the prices of high night for booking property buyers are vulnerable only makes?

  • 那些不法地主一面在干部和群众之间进行挑拨离间,一面采取高压手段迫使群众敢怒而不
    While the landlords were playing the peasant off against the cadre, they also sometimes took more drastic means to silence the peasant.

  • 中小企业作为行政权力相对人,处于弱势地位自不必说,对不规范的行政行为,敢怒而不,无力对抗。
    The medium and small enterprises, as the objects of the administrative rights, were at a weak position and dare not say and resist anything for irregular administrative behaviors.

  • 敢怒的英文作家林宝音不久前在政策研究院主办的论坛上说,挖苦政治人物的漫画,是一个社会政治成熟的象征。
    Writer Catherine Lim, who does not mince words, said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity.

  • 看他表面上对人和气,其实却很阴险,很多大臣在私底下议论说,他这个人在笑容背后藏了一把刀,大臣们都敢怒啊。
    He appears friendly and amiable, but he is very wicked. Many ministers talk about him in private, saying that there's a dagger hidden behind his smiles. Though very angry, they dare not speak up.

  • 鉴于这一持久的联盟和凶悍的反lèse-majesté法案,西方的外交人士,学者以及记者都敢怒,克制住了批评。
    This long-standing alliance and the fierce lèse-majesté law have led Western diplomats, academics and journalists to bite their tongues and refrain from criticism.

  • 年少轻狂,敢怒,才华横溢,个性十足,随心所欲,爱好广泛,我想成为这样一个人,但是现实生活不允许,所以只好把期望寄托在韩寒身上,希望他永远像现在这样。
    PS:I had a hair cut yesterday. It took one and a half hour. After that, my hair is much shorter and it can in some way make my face look smaller.

  • 敢怒敢言造句相关
