
黔驴技穷  qián lǘ jì qióng








  • 袒露你的肚子或乳沟会让人觉得你黔驴技穷
    Showing your stomach or cleavage can look like you're trying too hard.

  • 成语“黔驴技穷”比喻虚有其表,本领有限。
    Idiom "Qianlvjiqiong" analogy Xuyouqibiao, limited skills.

  • 我真的不知该怎么办才好。我现在是黔驴技穷了。
    I really have no idea what to do. Now I am at my wit's end.

  • 而就在最近,还有报告称摩萨德已经黔驴技穷了。
    More recently, however, it has been reported that Mossad may have run out of tricks to that end.

  • 这个人曾经黔驴技穷吗?-…是一次永远不朽的冒险。
    Does this guy ever run out of tricks? -…lies an adventure that will live for all eternity.

  • 他们说我的政绩斐然,却已经黔驴技穷,跟不上时代了。
    They said I'd done a lot of good, but I was out of new ideas and out of time.

  • 你的建议对他将非常有价值,因为他现在已经黔驴技穷了。
    Your advice would be exceedingly valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end.

  • 有网友称“《母脉》是又长又臭的裹脚布,编剧已经黔驴技穷。”
    The netizen says " " mother arteries and veins " it is to grow again smelly foot-binding cloth, playwrite already all tricks have been exhausted.

  • 为了看到美人的笑容,黔驴技穷的周幽王想出了一个荒唐的办法。
    Eager to please her, King You hit upon a preposterous idea.

  • 我已经黔驴技穷了,因为我知道看电视对孩子的眼睛、大脑等都没有好处。
    I am at my wits end because I know TV is not good for children's eyes, brains, etc.

  • 黔驴技穷”这个成语比喻仅有的一点本事也用完了,再没有别的办法了。
    This idiom is used to mean that one has exhausted one's skills.

  • 不过一位西方的外交官说:“向亚美尼亚示好,土耳其真是黔驴技穷了。”
    But one Western diplomat says that "rapprochement with Armenia is on its last legs."

  • 那个国王无论怎样都不能把全国的老百姓抚慰和镇压下来。他简直黔驴技穷了。
    Do what he could, the king could neither soothe nor quell the nation as he wished. He was at his wit's end.

  • 他最后终于知道,如果一厢情愿地相信爱情可以代替一切,那永远是黔驴技穷
    His end finally know that if wishfully believe love to can replace everything, that is a Qian donkey to exhaust all tricks forever.

  • 我们形容某人『黔驴技穷』,便是在嘲讽他的没本事,往往想尽了办法,却始终没能达到目的。
    The proverb, literally meaning a donkey at the end of its rope, is used to denote a man who innocently exposes his limited abilities.

  • 目前的实际情况是,中国政府如若意图采取何种政治手段来降低外汇储备,怕是要遭遇黔驴技穷的尴尬了。
    The reality is that China has run out of politically feasible means to bring down its reserves.

  • 不过考虑到承受着交易原头号得分手的重压,新赛季倘若不能取得进步,他将会被球迷们视作“黔驴技穷”。
    However, taking into account the original transaction under the weight of the No. 1 scorer, the new season if they can not make progress, he will be fans as "wits."

  • 短期国债的利率接近于零,那些认为降低利率是美联储唯一可行的刺激经济的人相信,货币政策已经黔驴技穷了。
    The interest on Treasury bills was close to zero, and those who viewed interest-rate reductions as the only stimulus available to the Fed thought that monetary policy was now exhausted.

  • 不过考虑到阿联承受着交易原头号得分手的重压,新赛季倘若不能取得进步,他将会被球迷们视作“黔驴技穷”。
    However, taking into account the transactions under pressure from the Arab-Israeli joint top scorer of the original weight of the new season if they can not make progress, he will be fans as "wits."

  • 若连国家主义也黔驴技穷,代之而起的往往是一种更老派的反应:反对市场经济,胡子眉毛一把抓地谴责所有债务和债务工具。
    Its inadequacy may lead to the formulation of a much older answer: revulsion against the market economy, accompanied by indiscriminate condemnation of debt and debt instruments.

  • 经过上赛季短暂的惊艳表现后,易建联给人感觉有些黔驴技穷,不过在篮网新的战术体系下,他有望将自己的竞技水平提升一个档次。
    After last season's short-term performance of the beautiful, Yi Jianlian gives some sense of wits, but the Nets in a new tactical system, he is expected to raise their competitive level a notch.

  • 主流的批判有三种:第一,宏观经济学家和金融经济学家催化了金融危机的爆发;第二,他们应该能提前察觉到危机,但却没有;第三,对于如何度过危机、解决危机,他们已黔驴技穷
    There are three main critiques: that macro and financial economists helped cause the crisis, that they failed to spot it, and that they have no idea how to fix it.

  • 黔驴技穷造句相关
