
阿谀谄媚  ē yú chǎn mèi







  • 当你在讨好你的老闆时,你是阿谀谄媚的。
    When you please your boss, you are arse-creeping.

  • 因为他们说话正直无私,容色也不阿谀谄媚
    Since they speak straightforwardly and selflessly and never appear to grovel or fawn.

  • 普鲁士国王派他的妻子向这个伟人阿谀谄媚
    The King of Prussia sends his wife to sue for the good graces of the great man;

  • 他是个两面三刀的人,他懂得怎么向领导阿谀谄媚
    He is a two-faced person, he know how to butter up the power.

  • 他是个两面三刀的人,他懂得怎么向领导阿谀谄媚
    He is a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.

  • 他是个二面派的人,他懂得如何向他的领导阿谀谄媚
    He is two-faced person, He knows how to butter up those power!

  • 他是一个两面三刀的人,他知道怎样向领导阿谀谄媚
    He's a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.

  • 他是一个两面三刀的人,他懂得的如何向领导阿谀谄媚
    He's a two-faced person, he knows how to butter up those power.

  • 如水的静夜包裹着他;阿谀逢迎之人那顺从的谄媚眼神。
    the liquid stillness of the night enveloping him; the liquid brown eyes of a spaniel.

  • “谄谀”,如果单从字面上看,就是“谄媚”与“阿谀”的组合。
    "Flatter " , if sheet looks from literal, namely " adulatory " with " fawn on " combination.

  • 充满野心勃勃、阿谀谄媚之人的庞大、腐败的官僚机构,既搞工作也搞麻烦。
    A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble.

  • 而且记住,阿谀谄媚通常对妳不会有什麽帮助的──不过听起来真的很受用!
    And remember, flattery will usually get you nowhere ─ but it sure is nice to hear!

  • 尤其这真话若是在指陈他的过错,那他更会受不了,于是乎阿谀谄媚之辞就产生了!
    When the truth takes the form of pointing out their faults, people find it unbearable. That's how flattery developed!

  • 可是对一些市井小民崇拜英雄,阿谀谄媚权贵,他们只认为这是一般人求生存的计谋,也无所谓对错,更无所谓人格高下的问题。
    Nevertheless, they think it as living tactics that some philistines adore hero and flatter man of high position. They don't consider it is wrong or mean.

  • 阿谀谄媚造句相关
