
聚讼纷纭  jù sòng fēn yún







  • 学术界在汉民族有无史诗的问题上一直聚讼纷纭
    It is a debatable issue in academic circles whether the Han nationality had epic in its early stage of history.

  • 对于刘师培背叛革命,学界聚讼纷纭,但大多忽略了章太炎的责任。
    Academic circle does denounce Liu Shipei's betrayal, but largely neglects Zhang Taiyan's role and responsibility.

  • 关于孙中山晚年民族主义的“苏俄转向”的解释,学界一直聚讼纷纭
    There is disagreement on Sun Yat-sen's nationalism transition and Soviet Union in academia.

  • 对于不动产善意取得制度的设立,各国的立法态度迥异,而我国对此更是聚讼纷纭
    For establishing system of the bona fide acquisition of real estate, the lawmaking attitudes of any countries are entirely different, opinions differ widely in our country especially.

  • 王实甫杂剧中让后人聚讼纷纭的逾墙疑案,揆之具体情境和它的源流,应该是不成其为问题的。
    It is evident that the over-wall love story in this opera by Wang Shifu has its source of subject matter in the above mentioned two works.

  • 从大的著述到小的期刊,聚讼纷纭的大多是阅读与写作,很少有人论及听说教学(口语交际教学)。
    From the big works to the small periodicals, most of man pay attention to the reading and compose, but few of someone speak of oral communication teaching.

  • “观周”是孔子早年的重要经历。作为先秦儒学旧案,一直聚讼纷纭,至少有三种版本:《孔子家语》《史记•孔子世家》认为是青年孔子的第一次远行,目的是问礼老聃;
    About Confucius' visiting Eastern Zhou there were at last three arguments: the first version held that it was Confucius' early experience seeking ritual knowledge from Laozi.

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