
耳闻目睹  ěr wén mù dǔ








  • 耳闻目睹的一切美好事物。
    For all things fair we hear or see.

  • 如此一来二往,耳闻目睹炒房人的风光潇洒。
    In two to, the visible and audible Real scenery natural and unrestrained.

  • 其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少;
    During these six years I have witnessed and heard about quite a number of big events known as "affairs of state".

  • 未来,你会更多地期望耳闻目睹这位年轻的新秀。
    In the future, you can expect to hear and see much more of this young talent.

  • 像这种大型生物,大家耳闻目睹,还知道问题所在。
    Everyone had either seen or heard of these huge creatures and knew where the problem lay.

  • 告诉你吧,我15年来经常回中国,耳闻目睹了许多事情。
    Tell you the truth, I returned to China for 15 years.

  • 首先,他提醒他们紧记他曾耳闻目睹,又曾告诉他们的事实。
    First he reminded them of the truth he himself had seen, heard, and told about.

  • 可当他到了日本之后,却耳闻目睹了日本社会现实的种种弊病。
    But when he went to Japan after the Japanese had seen and heard all the ills of social reality.

  • 有一天象考试似的耳闻目睹我整个作画过程,才“心服口服”。
    Some celesitial phenomenon test resembles the what one sees and hears and I entire do painting the process, only then"is sincerely convinced".

  • 其作品大部分取材于自身的生活经历,耳闻目睹的事实和个人感受。
    Most of the works are based on his own life experiences, facts what he sees and hears and personal feelings.

  • 当我们参加了工作,真正走上了社会,耳闻目睹了人的全部生活本真。
    When we participated in the work, and truly embarked on a community, face value of all people living in this really.

  • 当我们参加了工作,真正走上了社会,耳闻目睹了人的全部生活本真。
    When we took a job on the society, and all who hears the true life.

  • 在过去的八年间我耳闻目睹了他们的所作所为,当时我还是加纳政府任职。
    I have seen them operate at first hand over the past eight years, when I was in government in Ghana.

  • 原因很简单,几乎报纸里的所有新闻你已事先以某种方式用中文耳闻目睹了。
    The reason is quite simple. Nearly all the news has perhaps been heard or read by you in Chinese in one way or another ahead of time.

  • 但是,我想大家都有耳闻目睹,这次北京奥运的前奏没有我们预期的那么和平。
    However, as many of us know, the lead up to the Beijing Olympics has not been as peaceful as one would like.

  • 其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少;但在我心里,都不留什么痕迹。
    During that time I have seen and heard quite enough of so-called affairs of state; but none of them made much impression on me.

  • 这不能完全怪公众的法律意识薄弱,在他们自己的经历中,耳闻目睹权大于法的现象太多了。
    This cannot the completely strange public's legal awareness be weak, in theirs experience, the what one sees and hears power was bigger than method the phenomenon are too many.

  • 他的族人有很多曾被微缩成人类的身材。或许这多少影响了她,或许她耳闻目睹过某些事情。
    Many of his race had spent time Micronized to Human size. Maybe that had affected her somehow, or she had seen or heard something.

  • 近年耳闻目睹一种倾向:大凡农民负担出了问题,追来查去,最后受到责罚的总是那些村干部。
    In recent years what one sees and hears a kind of tendency: Generally farmer burden gave an issue, chase after check, always be those village cadres finally by of punish.

  • 王集镇发展油料产业化冒了“油”。这是笔者在湖北省油料重镇宜城市王集镇耳闻目睹的事实。
    This is the fact that the author omits Wang Ji of city of appropriate of oil plants town of military importance to press down what one sees and hears in Hubei.

  • 至今她所耳闻目睹的一切——仅仅只是些零碎的印象——表明这家人颇有些高雅,而且生活富裕。
    Everything she had seen and heard thus far -- the merest scraps and shadows -- indicated that these people were, in a measure, refined and in comfortable circumstances.

  • 耳闻目睹眼中满是恐惧的交易员惨叫连连的情形足以让你饱受惊吓,不管你有没有意识到这一点。
    The sight and sound of screamingtraders with fear in their eyes are enough to fill you with fright, whether you are conscious of it or not.

  • 冰山形成于久远的、寒冷的水体中,而且伴随着雷声轰鸣般的嘈杂和水花汹涌的风暴,但却无人耳闻目睹
    They come into being ----- somewhere ------in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees.

  • 冰山形成于久远的、寒冷的水体中,而且伴随着雷声轰鸣般的嘈杂和水花汹涌的风暴,但却无人耳闻目睹
    They come into being —— somewhere —— in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most case no one hears or sees.

  • 由于灾难的种类以及工作岗位各有不同,救助人员可能会耳闻目睹各种人间惨剧、严重的生理伤害乃至死亡。
    Depending on the nature of the disaster and their role, relief workers may witness human tragedy, fatalities, and serious physical injuries.

  • 由于经历的灾难种类以及工作岗位各有不同,救助人员可能会耳闻目睹各种人间惨剧、严重的生理伤害乃至死亡。
    Depending on the nature of the disaster and their role, relief workers may witness human tragedy, fatalities, and serious physical injuries.

  • 然而在采访和实地考查中,我们却耳闻目睹了这里的领导和共产党员,是真正脚踏实地的在为老百姓办实事,做好事。
    Be being interviewed however and in on-the-spot check, we however what one sees and hears the leader here and communist, it is truly hardheaded doing real thing for common people, do a good work.

  • 巴特兰用不多的笔墨,就把旅途中耳闻目睹的形形色色的人物、印第安人的种种风俗习惯等人文景观惟妙惟肖地描绘出来。
    Bartram can capture the scenes and sights of cultural interest such as various human figures and Indian customs vividly and concisely.

  • 弥沃特现正在伯克利任教。因此毫不奇怪,他会对他身旁耳闻目睹的事实下结论:“他认为,这个世界比我想象中还要----不合理。”
    Now, McWhorter teaches at Berkeley, so it is not surprising that, judging from what he sees and hears around him, he thinks the world is more irrational than it really is.

  • 我曾在各种场合耳闻目睹声称科比是一位伟大的投手,然而在这个他职业生涯有史以来最能轻松得分的赛季,他的命中率却一直徘徊在44—45%之间,如此能说他是一个伟大的投手吗?
    I hear/read all the time that Kobe is a great shooter, yet he only shoots 44-45 percent in an age when it is supposedly easier to score. Is he really a great shooter?

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