
缓急轻重  huǎn jí qīng zhòng







  • 那么他们就会说我不分轻重缓急
    Well some might say my priorities are slightly fucked up.

  • 总得按事件的轻重缓急来处理。
    After all priority will be given to urgency of the case.

  • 处理事情应该将轻重缓急
    Matters should be handled according to priority.

  • 要先确定轻重缓急,再开始学习和做作业。
    Set down your priorities before the start of your study and homework.

  • 要先确定工作的轻重缓急,再开始一天的工作。
    Set down your priorities before the start of each days' work.

  • 马克是个没有头脑的人,做事从不知道轻重缓急
    Mark is a jelly fish, never knowing which thing go first.

  • 你是怎样在一堆根本做不完的工作中区分轻重缓急?
    How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplishing?

  • 政府和消费者能够把握轻重缓急,体现支出的价值。
    Governments and consumers can set priorities and reveal values with spending.

  • 只有忙人最容易抽出时间,因为他们知道轻重缓急
    Only the busy man can easily draw out time, because they know the matter important or not.

  • 真正合适你的选择值得深思熟虑,并且分清缓急轻重
    A good fit is worth careful deliberation and prioritization.

  • 在紧急关头,你首先必须弄清事情的轻重缓急,孰先孰后。
    Facing a critical moment, you should make clear the priorities first.

  • 有效的领导力就是分清轻重缓急。有效的管理就是纪律和执行。
    Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.

  • 可是口口声声说“钱要有效使用”的政客们自己去不管轻重缓急
    Yet the politicians who babble about "more bang for the buck" don't confront their own absurd priorities.

  • 首先让人担忧的是,谷歌回答搜寻的轻重缓急有它自己的等级划分。
    First of all let the fact that Google answer search has its own priorities.

  • 因此,总经理秘书在做任何一项工作时,都要具备权衡轻重缓急的意识。
    Therefore, the general manager of a secretary doing any work, we must have the sense of balance priorities.

  • 让他先规定好事情的轻重缓急,这样你就可以决定哪些任务可以先放一放。
    Get him to set the priorities, so you can decide which tasks can wait.

  • 你必须拥有改变自己和决定轻重缓急的能力,这样,你的最终目标才会实现。
    You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities, so that your final goal can be achieved.

  • 做事件要有轻重缓急,很重要的、紧急的事件先做,次要的、不急的事件后做。
    We have to sll the time get care not of the maximum importance and urgent stuff first, not the otIT way round.

  • 如果我们能按照轻重缓急确定各项目标,我们的收获将比同时手做所有事情更大。
    EXAMPLE: If we prioritize our goals each day we will accomplish more than if we try to do everything at once.

  • 你不要跟无头苍蝇一样忙个不停,应该坐下来,对事情进行疏理,分出一个轻重缓急
    You can't run around like a chicken with its head cut off; you should sit down and set your priority.

  • 只有当你亲眼看见自己在这世界上的日子所剩无几时,才能真正分清事情的轻重缓急
    There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out help get your priorities straight.

  • 当然,一谈到这方面,就会遇到许多困难。对于这些困难,要分别轻重缓急,逐步加以解决。
    You will of course find many such problems and will have to handle them in the right order of priority.

  • 不过贫穷国家处理问题的缓急轻重与发达国家不同。在贫穷国家,问题更加严重,而可利用的资源更少。
    But they are of a different order to those faced by poor-country cities, whose problems are vastly greater and resources vastly smaller.

  • 只有忙人最容易抽出时间,因为他们知道轻重缓急。无论多么繁忙,无论多么琐碎的小事,他总能抽出时间。
    It is busy man who is easy to have time, because they know something light, heavy, snow and quick. He always have time however busy and how little matter.

  • 为全国人力资源经理提供全面有效的支持,达到协助部门经理分清轻重缓急,合理分配时间,高效工作的目的。
    Support the national HR manager comprehensively, reach the goal of assisting department managers to recognize urgency and importance of jobs, allocate working time rationally and work effectively.

  • 在急诊室濒死病人的诊治过程中,急诊医生应本着以人为本的原则,根据病情的轻重缓急,抓住重点进行紧急处理。
    In management of patients in agonal stage in emergency department, the doctors should deal with the critical issues according to severity of the condition on the principle of humanity.

  • 艾琳:那是不是说,他们给你一个收文盘,盛满便条、件、托书等文件,要你在有限时间内,按事情缓急轻重次序一一处理?
    Irene: Is that where they give you an in-tray full of documents like memos, letters, requests and ask you to prioritize and deal with them in a fixed time?

  • 要应付难相处的老板,迫使你不得不制定好事情的轻重缓急,克服恐惧,重压之下面不改色,为更好的工作环境而进行斡旋。
    Dealing with a difficult boss forces you to set priorities, to overcome fears, to stay calm under pressure, and to negotiate for better working conditions.

  • 丰田章男承认,尽管安全问题曾经是丰田关注的头等大事,其次是质量和规模,但在业务扩张过程中,这些轻重缓急变得“混乱起来”。
    While safety used to be the company's top priority, followed by quality and volume, the chief executive acknowledges that those priorities became "confused" in the expansion of its business.

  • 缓急轻重造句相关
