
纵横交错  zòng héng jiāo cuò








  • 它是宇宙基本本质的纵横交错编织模式。
    It is the interlace weave pattern of Universal Essence.

  • 全县县、乡、村道路四通八达,纵横交错
    County county, township and village roads extending in all directions, criss-crossing.

  • 城市里纵横交错的街道,除了尽头,什么都有。
    In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end.

  • 纵横交错的电梯。
    An interlacing elevator.

  • 鞋带只是纵横交错的,因为他们自己的工作方式了鞋。
    The laces simply criss-cross as they work their way up the shoe.

  • 境内有大小河流纵横交错,主要有白龙江主脉达拉河组成。
    There are rivers and streams criss-crossing the main river dara Bailongjiang component main vein.

  • 纵横交错的公路、铁路和地下输油管线正在贯通亚洲大陆。
    New roads, railways and pipelines are criss-crossing continental Asia.

  • 漫步街头甚觉尝心悦事,你可以看看周围的城市河道纵横交错
    While walking along the streets is fun, you can get around much easier on the city's many canals.

  • 小巷主要有土地巷、新民巷等14条,道路纵横交错,四通八达。
    Lane, the main lanes of land, such as XINMIN Lane 14, criss-crossing the road, extending in all directions.

  • 在北京,大大小小的胡同纵横交错,织成了荟萃万千的京城,胡同深深。
    The intertwining large and small Hutongs have been woven into the splendid cloth of Beijing by the hardworking Beijingnese.

  • 永新乡地处雪山寺北,黄河以南,境内山大沟深,纵横交错,南高北低。
    Snow Mountain is located in Xinxiang Wing North Temple, south of the Yellow River, Alexander Goushen territory, criss-crossing the Southern North high-low.

  • 境内交通便利,109国道、云丰公路侧乡而过,乡村水泥路纵横交错
    To facilitate traffic in the territory, 109 National Highway, Yun-feng and rural side of the road, criss-crossing the village of cement road.

  • 地层倾角较大,溶洞发育,裂隙纵横交错,部分被硅质、破酸盐所交代。
    Formation dip is large, caverns develop much, fractures crisscross each other, part with metasomatism of kiesel and carbonate.

  • 它以群岛星罗棋布、港湾纵横交错、生态环境绝佳而被确定为千岛湖的一级景点。
    It is spread all over, criss-crossing Harbor, excellent ecological environment has been identified as one of the attractions Lake.

  • 陇龙地区的地形特征一是冲沟纵横交错,沟壁陡立;二是黄土层厚度大,潜水位深。
    Terrain configuration of Longlong area is gullies arranged in a crisscross pattern with precipitous gully walls, thick loess and deep groundwater level.

  • 我漫步向山顶走去,身边的花儿们密密麻麻,开满枝头,花枝纵横交错,好像一排排栅栏。
    I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows.

  • 诗人是通过宏观和微观两个层面上“时”、“空”和“意”的纵横交错构筑起山水诗基本框架的。
    Through macro and micro views, the poet set his basic frame on an overlapping of time, space and impression.

  • 按照她在芝加哥的经验,她原以为会看见一长列的车厢,一大片纵横交错的铁轨,但却发现这里不同。
    After her experience with Chicago, she expected long lines of cars -- a great highway of tracks -- and noted the difference.

  • 公路四通八达,京广西线、津同、易保、易定、泥岭、良川等主要干线交汇于县城,乡村公路纵横交错
    Highways, Beijing Guangxi line, Jin Tong, Yi Bao, easy to set, mud Ling, Liang-chuan and other major routes converge on the town, rural roads criss-cross.

  • 当我穿越冀中平原时,看见碉堡林立,封锁沟墙纵横交错,简直令人难以相信中国抗日武装还能立足其中。
    Going across the plain, I saw so many pillboxes, ditches and walls that it is almost inconceivable that the Chinese could have existed in the midst of them.

  • 这个水系终止于一个10公里宽、层状的扇形地形,有著纵横交错的弯曲隆起,呈现出不同程度的侵蚀作用。
    This drainage system terminates in a 10-kilometer-wide, layered, fan-shaped landform characterized by meandering ridges that crosscut one another and show varying degrees of erosion.

  • 实木合成地板是采用木材切刨成薄片,纵横交错,多层组合粘结而成,使其木材纤维互相牵扯保持性质稳定。
    Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank . Its grains weave vertically and horizontally . The fibers of the wood can be stick together. This maintains its character stable.

  • 县乡公路328公里,基本实现了村村通公路,形成了以县城为中心,贯通东西南北,纵横交错的交通运输网络。
    County and township road 328 kilometers, basically every village access roads, the formation of a county as the center, north and south east with the west, criss-crossing transportation network.

  • 美丽的曼谷图片。曼谷的高速公路,这是夜间看到。曼谷曾经被认为是“东方的威尼斯”因为它是纵横交错的运河。
    Bangkok's expressways, seen here by night. Bangkok was once known as the "Venice of the East" because it was criss-crossed by canals.

  • 海榆中、西干线,环岛西线高速公路和西环铁路贯穿澄迈县境,整个澄迈境内已形成纵横交错、四通八达的交通网。
    Haiyu Midline and West line highway, West Circle Expressway, and West railway run through the Chengmai County, making the transportation in Chengmai quite convenient.

  • 地图和旅行指南刚一印出来就已经过时了;从前的餐馆和地标性建筑踪影无处可寻;郊区玉米地里高速公路纵横交错
    Maps and guidebooks become obsolete as soon as they are printed, restaurants and landmarks vanish on repeat visits, and highways spring up in cornfields on the fringes of town.

  • 岛上仿佛王侯领地一般,华贵的草地,缤纷的花园,窄窄的银色溪流纵横交错其间,后面是巨大山峦的蓝色的齿形峰巅。
    The island comprised a princely domain of noble meadow-land and rich gardens, crossed and interlaced by the silver of narrow streams, and was backed by the blue and jagged peaks of great mountains.

  • 万里无云的天空下,它是一片充满流沙的灼热区域。大陆南部多山,山区里巨大的洞穴纵横交错,有些甚至深达地表以下。
    It is a blazing hot expanse of rolling sand dunes under a cloudless sky. The southern region is more mountainous, with large cavern networks - some extending deep beneath the surface.

  • 纵横交错的网路上,即使是连贯发出的两个数据包也可能走上不同的路径。接收方收到的数据包组可能是乱序的,也可能是不完整的。
    The path one packet takes across the sprawling network may be different from the path of the next, and packets may arrive at the destination out of order, or not arrive at all.

  • 填埋区场底建有纵横交错的主盲沟和支盲沟,盲沟内设有DN500毫米高密度聚乙烯HDPE管和DN200毫米管网的垃圾渗滤液收集导排系统;
    Crossing main underdrains installed DN500mm HDPE pipe in and branch underdrains installed DN200mm pipes lay on the bottom of landfill site. The pipes are used to collect and guide the leachate.

  • 纵横交错造句相关
