
等量齐观  děng liàng qí guān







  • 人们把会利用计较机与人生成功等量齐观
    People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.

  • 这两部小说差得太远了,怎么能等量齐观呢?
    There is a world of difference between these two novels. How can you equate one with the other?

  • 当然,影响房地产价格的各种因素的作用不可等量齐观
    Of course, the factors involved do not always carry equal weight.

  • 此外,疲软时尺寸差别很大的阴茎,勃起时可能是等量齐观
    Furthermore, some penises which greatly differ in size when they are flaccid may be of identical size when they are erect.

  • 殷墟现已发现制骨作坊多处,出土骨器数量可与陶器等量齐观
    A number of bones workshops have been located in the Yinxu and numerous artifacts have been discovered.

  • 但是这些批评并没有将其与其他范式和框架等量齐观地来看待。
    But this criticism could be leveled at any paradigm or framework.

  • 就好象物之于影,它们也具有同生性,但却不可以等量齐观的。
    As if things in the shadow, they also have the same naturally, but can not equate to.

  • 同为战俘营难友的埃里克•纽比的经历与理查德•卡弗等量齐观
    The closest equivalent are the works of Eric Newby, who was held in the same prisoner-of-war camp as Richard Carver had been.

  • 78岁的他或许比以前瘦,却是那种展现力量和力量衰退等量齐观的精瘦。
    At 78 he is perhaps thinner than he once was, but in that sinewy way that reveals strength as much as diminishes it.

  • 等量齐观的礼物防止了任何一个较富有、较有能力奉献的支派产生骄傲之心;
    The equal gifts would also prevent any rivalry or pride of one tribe that may have been wealthier and able to give more.

  • 我一向认为把死和生当作一回事是错误的,把长寿和短命等量齐观也是荒谬的。
    I always thought that dies and lives treats as the identical is wrong, and dies young the longevity equates is also absurd.

  • 内在思维的嘈杂与外界的喧嚣是等量齐观的;内在的寂照与外界的静谧也是如此。
    The equivalent of external noise is the inner noise of thinking. The equivalent of external silence is inner stillness.

  • 它不同于其他商品的显着特征是它具有强烈的人性化色彩,甚至与“家”等量齐观
    It is different from other commodities notable feature is that it has a strong humanization colors, and even with the "home" par.

  • 在制卡和会员卡制作油墨洋不溶性胶粒的爆发而导致缩孔,有时不常与浮色发花等量齐观
    In the business card printing and membership card making ink generation of insoluble colloidal particles that may cause shrinkage, and sometimes are often associated with confused and floating.

  • 由于加进了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观
    It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.

  • 由于加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观
    It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.

  • 埃利斯说,沿西藏南部喜马拉雅山脉边缘的断层显示出的危险与潜在于四川地震的危险等量齐观
    Faults along the southern, Himalayan edge of Tibet present hazards as great as those underlying the Sichuan temblor, Ellis said.

  • 成就是客观的,然而我们也不得不看到物质生产的能力提高了,但意识形态的发展不一定等量齐观
    Achievement is objective, however the ability that we also must see material is produced rose, but develop not certain equate ideologically.

  • 因此,在喻宜萱的声乐教学中,声、情、字三者是等量齐观的,体现出中国声乐艺术中重情、重字的传统。
    Therefore, in Yu Yixuan the vocal music teaching, the sound, the sentiment and the word equate, which manifests the tradition of sentiment, word in the Chinese vocal music art.

  • 可事实上,恰恰是这个观念导致西方不能理解其他文明的本质,让人们陷入了将西方与非西方等量齐观的错误。
    However, it is a conception which developed out of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, out of the mistake of measuring them all with a Western yardstick.

  • 举个例子我们在寻找加图索、皮尔洛还有西多夫的替补,但是在转会市场上我们并没有找到和他们等量齐观的球员。
    When we were negotiating the purchases for hypothetical substitutes of Gattuso, Pirlo or Seedorf for example, we did not find on the market any valid or superior alternative to them.

  • 对那些把布尔什维克的革命英雄主义和特米多尔分子的官僚犬儒主义等量齐观的先生们,除了蔑视以外不能抱别的态度。
    One can feel only contempt for these gentlemen who identify the revolutionary heroism of the Bolsheviks with the bureaucratic cynicism of the Thermidorians.

  • 美国基金会的捐赠在1996年到2006年翻了一倍多,但这部分增长只与福布斯400强在此期间的财富总量的增长等量齐观
    The endowments of American foundations more than doubled between 1996 and 2006, but the increase only just kept pace with the rise in the total wealth of the Forbes 400 over that period.

  • 当过去将来于没有时差感的现在等量齐观,(像砌图般)看成为一个共同模式的部份,因-果的观念便即失效,取而代之是创作的自由。
    When the past and the future are seen in the timeless now, as parts of a common pattern, the idea of cause-effect loses its validity and creative freedom takes its place.

  • 本句字面翻译为:一个人的肉对另一个人来说就是毒药。作为英文谚语,其与汉语中的一句俗语可以等量齐观,即“萝卜白菜,各有所爱”。
    Nevertheless, in American slang language, "a man's meat" means "the genitalia of a male", so people should not use this proverb in the US.

  • 奥委会官员们意识到,该城市要想在环境标准方面达到与大坂。依斯坦布尔。多伦多以及巴黎等城市等量齐观的程度还有很长的一段路要走。
    Olympic officials realize the city has a long way to go to match the environmental standards of such cities as Paris Toronto Istanbul and Osaka.

  • 上述五个方面不是等量齐观的,“独立性”、“专业性”、“权威性”和“成熟的政治理性”是互为因果,是作为“最佳主体”内在的、本质性的,是衡量“最佳主体”的第一维度;
    These five areas is not equal, the "independence", "profession", "authority" and "mature political rationality" is the inherent nature as a measure "best subject" and is the first dimension;

  • 《列子》是东晋人假托的一部极具表演特色的书籍,典型地展现了六朝文士的演生心态。书中意欲消泯魏晋以来的有无之辨,将人生视为生死等量齐观的过程。这与六朝文士对于生死大化的挽歌情结十分相似。
    Liezi is a book of fable and exaggeration, under the name of Liezi by its author of East Jin Dynasty, a typical demonstration of intellectuals' mood and life during the Six Dynasties.

  • 等量齐观造句相关
