
相机行事  xiāng jī xíng shì







  • 关键要让自己了解相应的风险,然后相机行事
    The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly.

  • 政策制定者应该按规则行事,而不能采取相机抉择的方式。
    Policy constitutor should press regular act, and the kind that cannot take camera to choose.

  • 以她所有的天赋和能力,如果她能巧妙地相机行事,会升迁得很快。
    With all her talents and abilities, if she plays her cards right she will be promoted quickly.

  • 到了目的地后,约翰·博德曼也没有什么固定计划,他决定相机行事
    John Bodman had formed no fixed plan for his precedure when the place was reached.

  • 在购买相机时,请你慎重行事,仔细考虑哪种相机对您来说是最适合的。
    If you want to buy a camera, please consider carefully which one is the most suitable for you.

  • 不过,联储并没有给出明确的暗示,最近的这一轮降息周期是否已经结束,而表示将相机行事
    However, instead of giving a clear indication that its latest rate-cutting cycle is over, the FED said that it is in a wait-and-see mode.

  • 好吧,因为,听,如果你想进入电影,这是整个其他的事情,因为一旦有相机行事是所有的眼睛。
    Well, because, listen if you want to get into movies, that's a whole other thing, because once the camera comes in, acting is all with the eyes.

  • 冲锋队只对皇帝效忠,面对来自陆军和海军军官的命令时,他们只相机行事,没有绝对服从的义务。
    Stormtroopers were loyal only to the Emperor, and only followed orders from Army and Navy personnel at their discretion.

  • 所以,真正的“泡沫”是由短期的投机需求和一部分相机行事的混合需求转化而成的投机需求导致的。
    Therefore, the real "bubble" is part of the short-term speculative demand and the cameras act transformed mixed demand led to speculative demand.

  • 所以我们给侧轻刚性版制卡和会员卡制息本身的技艺配套,切忌把胶印或瘪印的教训不相机行事功来。
    So we must pay attention to flexo business card printing and membership card to make their own technology, the Government must discharge to offset or gravure printing experience firmly.

  • 在抽象操纵上还是给根据不梢企业的不梢质环境、所用制版撤备的抽象环境来怠工,不给一味的不相机行事
    In how to do this or on the basis of the actual situation of the enterprise, ethan equipment used by the making, firmly.

  • 相机行事造句相关
