
喜怒哀乐  xǐ nù āi lè








  • 可以表演喜怒哀乐的机器人问世。
    A robot displaying human emotion has been unveiled.

  • 为什么在游戏里也有喜怒哀乐
    Why is there also feeling in game?

  • 你在我的心目中永远最重要!你的喜怒哀乐
    You means the most in my mind forever.

  • 可以容纳人间的冷暖,人间的喜怒哀乐悲欢离合!
    May hold the world the changes in temperature, the world laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness vicissitudes of life!

  • 回忆,一份不可忘记的情感,喜怒哀乐串连的画面。
    Memory, a must not forget the feelings, emotions pictures thread.

  • 从教以来,几乎生活中所有的喜怒哀乐都因他们而起。
    Teaching, nearly all of the joys and sorrows of life as they are replaced.

  • 人生是充满着喜怒哀乐的!态度也是有不同的形式的!
    Living or working are full of happy/angry/sad/fun ! It is the same with attitude !

  • 我们可以放心地与他们分享也许为别人不理解的喜怒哀乐
    We can share the happiness and sadness which the others don't understand with them safely.

  • 歌谣有感而发,信手拈来,情真意切地表现出他们的喜怒哀乐
    This spontaneous ballad gives a truthful expression to all types of the singers' feelings.

  • 虽然还不及三个月,但她已经体验了从巅峰到谷底的喜怒哀乐
    Although less than three months, but she had already experienced the joys and sorrows from the peak to the trough.

  • 她想找一位对生活充满热情的知己,来与她经历人生的喜怒哀乐
    She wants a soulmate with a passion for life, who will share the ups and downs of life with her.

  • 我觉得:人工智能就是要跟真的一模一样,和人一样也有喜怒哀乐
    I feel: Artificial intelligence for is will follow real exactly alike, as person, anger dirge is also pregnant!

  • 露西很聪明顽皮有性格。仔细看她的眼睛,你会知道她的喜怒哀乐
    Lucy is a chracteral dog. If you look her eyes carefully, you can read her mind.

  • 我热爱生活,相信会有一片属于自己的天空,一起分享人生的喜怒哀乐
    I believe Love is beautiful, I will spend my whole life to seek true love persistently.

  • 不善于以语言表达意见的人,往往以喜怒哀乐的表情来表达意见与思想。
    He, who is bad to express his opinions by languages, often expresses his opinions and thoughts by his emotions such as laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

  • 我不是天才``我是一正常人``也有喜怒哀乐``也需要人迁就``谢谢。
    I'll take care of myself most of the times. I just need someone to be there for me, somtimes.

  • 她是个喜怒哀乐都表现在脸上的美女,我是个什么都不爱说的人,却是一样的脆弱。
    She is a emotions are manifested in the face of beauty, I love is not what the people say, it is the same vulnerability.

  • 人有喜怒哀乐,他们聚分离和,月有阴晴圆缺,没有什么是完美的,甚至在过去的日子里。
    Men have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the olden days.

  • 没有人能使你难过。变好或变糟,你有能力为自己决定。运用你的力量,掌管心情的喜怒哀乐
    No one can make you feel bad. You have the power to choose between getting bitter and getting better. Take responsibility for your feelings claim you power.

  • 没有人能使你难过。变好或变糟,你有能力为自己决定。运用你的能力,掌管心情的喜怒哀乐
    No one can make you feel bad. You have the power to choose between getting bitter and getting better. Take responsibility for your feelings; claim your power.

  • 看着那么多平凡却又可爱的人,感受着他们的喜怒哀乐,默读着这座城市里平凡平淡却无休无止的故事。
    Looking at all the normal but lovely people, sharing happiness, sore and sadness with them and silently reading the ordinary but endless stories which happens everyday in this city.

  • 《梦断代码》喜怒哀乐皆俱——舞台中央站着米奇·卡普尔,数据革命中那最令人着迷也最少知音的人物。
    Dreaming in Code has drama, comedy, pathos, and poignancy —and at its center, in Mitch Kapor, one of the most fascinating and yet least understood figures of the digital revolution.

  • 人短短的一生,在人生的某个阶段,有这么一个人陪你走过,分享你的喜怒哀乐,不是一件很快乐的事吗?
    One short life, at some stage in life, there is such a Renpei you through it, share your emotions, not a very happy thing?

  • 和三五知己,老乡故邻同坐在佬湘楼里,吃上风味菜肴,品上绝妙好酒,诉说喜怒哀乐,真是人生一大快事。
    And Sanwuzhiji, hometown guy sitting there with the adjacent building Xiang, eat-style dishes, excellent wine materials, about emotions, life is a joy.

  • 我把所有的心情,所有的秘密在写在上面了,我把我的喜怒哀乐,把敏感的神经触动的种种情绪都写在上面了。
    I put all the feelings, all the secrets of writing the above, and I put my emotions to touch the sensitive nerve of all emotions are written on top of.

  • 虽然来小鱼不久,但我却很高兴成为这里的一员,在新的一年里,很愿意和大家分享我的喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣。
    Although come to offish soon, but I am very pleased to be here one, in the new year, everyone is very willing to share my joys and sorrows, ups and downs.

  • 山西省晋中市寿阳县平头镇是有名的唢呐之乡,生活在这里的农民都喜欢用手中的唢呐表达自己心中的喜怒哀乐
    Shouyang County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province Ping Suona Town are well-known area, living in the farmers here like to use the hands to express their hearts Suona emotions.

  • 就像风中的竖琴,艺术家们对幻想的一呼一吸都会作出反应,用自己的喜怒哀乐表达着在追求理想中的失败与成功。
    As harps in the wind, the artists respond to every breath of fancy, voicing in their moods all the ebb and flow of the ideal.

  • 如果可以。请不要对我的祝福感到厌烦,如果可能。请时时想起关心你的我,如果愿意。请让我分享你的喜怒哀乐
    If can. please don't to I of the wish feel bored, If possible. please remind of to concern your me always, If would like to. please let me share your loving. anger. saddness. and happiness!

  • 学习是我们的重任,我们学习的情况是您们关注的焦点。您们虽然工作繁忙,但心仍系着我们在校的表现,我们的喜怒哀乐也是您们心情的调控器。
    To study hard is our duty. You are caring about our study. You are busy, but you are always watching us. We're happy and you're happy.

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