
呆若木鸡  dāi ruò mù jī








  • 这就是成语“呆若木鸡”的来源。
    This is the phrase "transfixed" sources.

  • 比尔站在台上呆若木鸡,他不会。
    Frozen on the stage, Bill cannot. He is ashamed.

  • 他欢迎我时,满脸呆若木鸡的表情。
    He greeted me with a bemused look.

  • 那个小孩子看到蛇时吓得呆若木鸡
    The child was scared stiff when he saw a snake.

  • 仆人们因惊讶而目瞪口呆,孩子们也吓得呆若木鸡
    The servants were silent with surprise, and the children were silent with fear.

  • 这位母亲呆若木鸡,惊恐得不知道该怎样面对孩子的父亲。
    The mother was stunned. She was terrified how to face her husband.

  • 馆长双手撑着地,跪在那里,呆若木鸡,好半天才转过头去。
    On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly.

  • 第一个进球和第二个进球,李帅呆若木鸡,没有作出任何反应。
    The first goal and second goal, transfixed Li Shuai, did not make any response.

  • 那只手一步步的靠近,我吓得呆若木鸡,谁都不希望有这样的感觉。
    The hand approached and I froze with fright, a feeling I wish upon no one.

  • 记住,一条抖动的腿或者呆若木鸡的表达比你完美的回答佔的份量更重。
    Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression can matter more than how well you answer the questions.

  • 记住,一条抖动的腿或者呆若木鸡的表达比你完美的回答占的份量更重。
    Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression_r can matter more than how well you answer the questions.

  • 记住,一条抖动的腿或者呆若木鸡的表达比你完美的回答占的份量更重。
    Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression can matter abundance than how well you answers the questions.

  • 德国西部城市波鸿的警局发言人说,“当时这个人呆若木鸡,不知所措。
    "The man was too shocked to run off this time, " said a spokesman for police in the western city of Bochum.

  • 成语“呆若木鸡”在《高级汉语大词典》里被释为“呆板得像木头鸡一样”。
    Saying "transfixed" in the "high-level Chinese Dictionary" was released as a "stiff like wood, like chicken.

  • 今天六级的成绩对我实在是一个巨大的失望即使通过了,我依然惊讶的呆若木鸡
    Today when I knew my sores of CET6 which I had to say it's a real letdown, I got such a surprise though passed.

  • 这个姐姐一看到公证人写信通知她说可以继承到五万法郎的遗产时,惊得呆若木鸡
    The sister's eyes had opened wide when the agent had written telling her that she had come into fifty thousand francs.

  • 如果他呆若木鸡地坐在她身后生闷气,反倒给她的精力中注入了一股震颤的勃勃生气。
    If he sat behind her stiff with impotent rage it only made a trembling vividness come into her energy.

  • 天很黑,来接站的,是那个我认为呆若木鸡的男友,和我下棋,允许我悔棋和懒棋的呆子。
    The day is very black, will receive a station, it is the male friend that that I think to dumbstruck, with my play chess, allow the booby of my retract a false move in a chess game and lazy chess.

  • 人们从故事里引申出“呆若木鸡”这句成语。原来是形容精神高度集中,后来用来形容人呆笨;
    The idiom "dumb as a wooden chicken" originally described a high degree of concentration, but later came to be used to describe stupidity in people.

  • 搞对象是一种博弈。打牌的时候,要面无表情,宠辱不惊,呆若木鸡。更有甚者,可以假面欺诈别人。
    A blank expression that does not reveal anything about the cards being held. Often used outside the world of poker.

  • 他达明,如狐狸过水;机警,如战场上的将军;和善,如主妇款待客人;简单,呆若木鸡;混沌,如深渊之水。
    water. alert, like a general on the battlefield. kind, like a hostess greeting her guests. simple, like uncarved blocks of wood. opaque, like black pools in darkened caves.

  • 他把魔杖指向他身后的一面满是书的墙,砰的一声,一扇隐藏的门打开了,里面的狭窄楼梯上站着一个呆若木鸡的人。
    He pointed his wand at the wall of books behind him and with a bang, a hidden door flew open, revealing a narrow staircase upon which a small man stood frozen.

  • 此刻他站在那儿,呆若木鸡,回答问题时的愚昧无知真是荒谬绝伦,叫人看了十分痛心。我的怜悯心都被他激发起来了。
    and so it was exceedingly painful to see him stand there, as serene as a graven image, and deliver himself of answers which were veritably miraculous for stupidity and ignorance.

  • 杰克逊呆若木鸡,死盯裁判史蒂芬。贾为不放。正是他吹响的这次哨子。步行者立马把球交到史密斯手中,回敬了一计跳勾。
    Jackson stood with his mouth agape, staring at referee Steve Javie, who called the sixth foul, and the Pacers immediately got the ball to Smits for a jump hook.

  • 在随后的几秒钟里, 我呆若木鸡, 那一片刻的羞耻和恐惧深深刺痛着我, 我有生以来第一次对自己感到那么强烈的厌恶。
    In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.

  • 如果在这遇到一位出租车司机,他们一定有故事告诉你,他们会讲述乘客是如何呆若木鸡失魂落魄地到达林海,然后一去不复返。
    If in this met a taxi driver, they must have told you the story, they will talk about how the passengers are transfixed or driven to distraction and to, then gone forever.

  • 他摘了好大一束,闻一闻,那香味淡淡的,有一点难闻。这当儿,身后劈啪一声响,明明有谁踩在了树枝上,把他吓了个呆若木鸡
    He had got together a big bunch and was smelling their faint sickly scent when a sound at his back froze him, the unmistakable crackle of a foot on twigs.

  • 当娜佳的母亲看到这枚戒指时,她惊得呆若木鸡?“红得就像灶膛里的余火。红得像鲜血一般。女儿啊,它不会带来好结果的,”她恸哭道。
    When Naja's mother saw the ring, she was petrified. "Red like the embers in the hearth. Red like blood. Daughter, this will not lead to a happy end, " she wailed.

  • 子弹刚好打中索洛佐的眼睛和耳朵之间的地方,子弹从另一边迸了出来,炸出了一大团血,血和头骨碎片四处飞溅,也溅满了给吓得呆若木鸡的堂倌的衣服。
    The bullet caught Sollozzo squarely between his eye and his ear and when it exited on the other side blasted out a huge gout of blood and skull fragments onto the petrified waiter's jacket.

  • 一瞬间,艾登站在那里,呆若木鸡,张口结舌。他抬起头看着天空,看着孤零零悬在空中的路卡林,感到记忆中从未有过的失落。他想到了他的朋友,现在他们相隔如此遥远。
    Ayenden stood, his mouth agape. He looked up at the sky, feeling more lost than he could ever remember. He thought of his friend so far away.

  • 呆若木鸡造句相关
