
火烧火燎  huǒ shāo huǒ liǎo







  • 孩子有病。妈妈急得火烧火燎的。
    The mother was filled with anxiety about her child's illness.

  • 他身上每处伤口都疼得火烧火燎的。
    His every wound began to burn like fire.

  • 你感觉火烧火燎?
    You feel that burn?

  • 游泳对我来说还算轻松,不过当我跑坡的时候双腿火烧火燎的疼。
    Swimming is still easy for me, but my legs burn like fire every time I run up that hill.

  • 我们不再有最初几天训练时那种喘不上气或肺部火烧火燎的感觉。
    Our lungs have not been heavy or burning as they were the first few days while training.

  • 这一定是南波给她施了“热椅子”魔法,让被施法者的臀部火烧火燎地疼。
    It was, of course, Numbo who had given her a magical hot seat, a fiery pain in the posterior.

  • 他太太的行为对他的未来和前途造成了可怕的威胁,这使他心里火烧火燎的。
    He was in a fevered state of mind, owing to the blight his wife's action threatened to cast upon his entire future.

  • 卡米已经精疲力竭,半个身体上还糊着泥巴,能感到自己尾巴上的毛火烧火燎
    Kami, exhausted and still half caked with mud, could feel it singeing the fur on his tail.

  • 除此之外,她身上还有一股味道,火烧火燎的焦臭,但绝不是烧柴做饭的味道。
    Her clothes were ill-fitting, and she emanated a burnt smell, although not from cooking.

  • 曹操之父急得火烧火燎,风琴出示的照片上,那具倒卧的男尸就穿着黑上衣和牛仔裤。
    The father of Cao Cao The fire fire singes anxious, to produce pictures of the organ, that a man lying unconscious on the wearing of black T-shirt and jeans.

  • 按照在这种情况下流行的奇怪的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,虽然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。
    And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast.

  • 我想起下午站在高温下,汗水不断从我的脑门淌下,炽热的火烧火燎般的太阳直射在我脸上。
    I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon, sweat pouring down my brow and the hot, burning sun against my face.

  • 他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地像是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。
    As he spoke, he laid his long fore-finger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it ad been red hot .

  • 他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地象是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。
    As he spoke, he laid his long forefinger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it had been red-hot.

  • 他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地象是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。
    As he spoke, he laid his long fore-finger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it ad been red hot.

  • 不知从何时起,湘菜馆开始在珠海风靡,人们喜欢到湘菜馆吃得满嘴香辣酸鲜,满胃火烧火燎的过瘾。
    I do not know when, Hunan Museum began to rage in Zhuhai, people like to eat mouthful of spicy Hunan Museum acid fresh, full of fun Huoshaohuoliao stomach.

  • 一些小鱼身上有着防身之用的坚硬尖鳍,就需要用剪刀剪去,以免划伤引起火烧火燎的痛与出奇的痒。
    A lot of small fish has pointed and hard fins to protect themselves from enemy. Those must be cut before they hurt people and course burning pain and unbearable itch.

  • 这下厉害了!不久眼睛开始迷糊,手开始颤抖,脚开始痉挛,心肝啊肺啊开始火烧火燎,头开始神志不清。
    Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered.

  • 它就是神经性疼痛。神经性疼痛疼起来火烧火燎,像有千万根钢针在扎你一样,并且没有任何明显的物理原因。
    It's called neuropathic pain, and it burns like fire, stings like a thousand sharp needles, and has no obvious physical cause.

  • 在全国许多地方,尤其是亚伯达省,雇主因雇不到技术工人,以及那些从事工资不高的餐饮和酒店服务行业的工人而而火烧火燎
    In many parts of the country, particularly Alberta, employers are crying for workers to fill skilled jobs, as well as low-paying jobs in the service and hospitality sectors.

  • 梅西的眼睛闪动了几下,睁开了。她竭力想说什么,但随之而来的疼痛使她说不出话来。她的头和背感到火烧火燎的。我的腿动不了了,她想。
    Maese's eyes flickered open. She tried to speak but was overcome by pain. Her head and back felt on fire. I can't move my legs, she thought.

  • (国家党议员鼓掌)--- 谢谢诸位。如今,事隔6个月,这个尊贵的国会又再次火烧火燎地召集紧急立法会议,却是为了通过一个取消这个减税的法案。
    Now, nearly 6 months later, this honourable House has been rushed into urgency again for the introduction and passing of this bill to the effect that these tax cuts are cancelled.

  • 火烧火燎造句相关
