
枕戈待旦  zhěn gē dài dàn








  • 北韩尽管面临经济危机仍然枕戈待旦
    Despite its economic crisis, North Korea is still armed to the teeth.

  • 她还有一张王牌就是她可以伺机下手,枕戈待旦
    One advantage is that she can play a waiting game.

  • 战斗囊也从运输船里踏步而出,枕戈待旦,为行动提供安全保卫。
    Battlepods came off the drop ships, too, to stand guard and serve as security for the operation.

  • 这也将使穆夫提把阿拉伯人组织起来枕戈待旦的秘密工作更加容易。
    It would also ease the Mufti's work of secretly organizing the Arabs against the moment when they could strike.

  • 当我们睁大眼睛枕戈待旦之时,风暴却像迟归的羊群,不知在哪里徘徊。
    When we open up our eyes, getting ready for the battles toward the storms, we don't know where they are wandering as the late coming sheep.

  • 由于感觉什么地方会有什么事情要发生,别克中尉让全排整夜里枕戈待旦
    William James. The platoon was near Lanzerath. Bouck kept his men up all night, sensing that something was stirring somewhere.

  • 2004年对国内企业来说将是枕戈待旦的一年,而对外资则意味着更多的机会。
    Was opposite a year be ready for battle will be for domestic company 2004, and mean more opportunities to foreign capital.

  • 火炬木,超越政府,凌驾警方,挑战未来,翼护人类,21世纪充满变数,火炬木枕戈待旦
    Torchwood, outside the government, beyond the police, fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes, and Torchwood is ready.

  • 南有珠江誓师,北有嘉铭三全服务主张,尚有华润置地换将不变调,还有武汉联合置业枕戈待旦
    South pledging a Pearl River, the North has devoted three full-service proposition is CRC to change their tune would change, and joint-protecting Wuhan.

  • 总之,美国的国防预算把精力和重点放在当下,放在激战正酣的伊拉克和阿富汗战事,而不是为来自未来中国或俄罗斯的威胁枕戈待旦
    In short, the new American defence budget would spend more on today's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and less to stave off future threats from China or Russia.

  • 更好的网络防御,更少的导弹防御和雷射武器。总之,美国的国防预算把精力和重点放在当下,放在激战正酣的伊拉克和阿富汗战事,而不是为来自未来中国或俄罗斯的威胁枕戈待旦
    In short, the new American defence budget would spend more on today's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and less to stave off future threats from China or Russia.

  • 枕戈待旦造句相关
