
新婚燕尔  xīn hūn yàn ěr








  • 昨日,媒体记者采访了这对新婚燕尔
    Yesterday, media reporters interviewed the newlywed.

  • 那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。
    That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.

  • 新婚燕尔,是人一生中最为得意和最幸福的时光。
    Yan's wedding, life is the most satisfactory and most people happy moments.

  • 旧的裹尸布给新婚燕尔、未生育的夫妇用来铺婚床。
    The old shroud is given to a newly married, childless couple to cover the connubial bed.

  • 新婚燕尔”几个字写在汽车的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。
    The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

  • 有三对夫妇,分别是老年夫妇,中年夫妻和一对新婚燕尔
    There were three couples, one elderly, one middle aged, and one newlywed, that wanted to join a church.

  • 新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱或后玻璃窗上。
    The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

  • 新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。
    The words "Just Married" are often painted on the trunk or back window.

  • 新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。
    The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

  • 白天,山上到处都是卖纪念品的小店和新婚燕尔拍照的身影。
    This is a vibrant place - during the day it is packed with souvenir stalls and beatific brides and grooms having their wedding photos taken.

  • 9看笑话: 一位学者在新婚燕尔之际,仍然手不释卷地读书。
    9 see joke: A scholar is in newly-married swallow Er during, still very diligent ground reads.

  • 这对新婚燕尔的夫妻随即陷入到这个充满欲望、迷乱与复仇的黑暗曲折的故事之中。
    The newlyweds become entangled in desire, obsession, and revenge in a story containing many dark twists and turns.

  • 新婚燕尔的王金龙和毛毛(丫蛋儿)夫妇同台献艺,毛毛还上演了野蛮老婆的戏码。
    Yan Wang Jinlong wedding and Maomao Seoul (蛋儿californica) and his wife performed at the same table, Maomao wife also staged a brutal drama.

  • 新婚燕尔的缱绻,耳鬓厮磨的欢情,共同生活中的相互理解,构成了她生活的全部内容。
    The affection that had followed marriage, the love that followed intimacy, the understanding that followed time together filled her life.

  • 新婚燕尔,温馨的婚房内如果有它的陪伴,是不是生活似神仙呢?陶冶心情,开始崭新生活。
    Newly married? Why not put this rainbow projector in your new house? Do you feel like fairies?

  • 新婚燕尔往往缺少建设一个家的经验,如果装修得不尽人意,难免给崭新的生活留下阴影。
    Yan's wedding but often lack the experience to build a house, if a satisfactory decoration, a new life is to leave the shadow.

  • 罐头盒常被拴在汽车的保险杠上,“新婚燕尔”几个字被喷涂在汽车的行李箱或后玻璃窗上。
    Tincans are often tied to the bumper. The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

  • 新婚燕尔,温馨的婚房内如果有它的陪伴,是不是生活似神仙呢?陶冶心情,开始崭新的生活。
    Newly married? Why not put this rainbow projector in your new house? Do you feel like fairies?

  • 爱情是两人同做的鸳鸯梦,婚姻是鸳梦应验的歌颂。愿新婚燕尔,应有尽有,花好月圆,天长地久。
    May married life fulfill your dreams in many, many ways. And may good luck and happiness till all your future days.

  • 新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。新娘新郎从婚礼客人撒下的雨点般的生大米中跑向汽车。
    The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice[4] thrown by the wedding guests.

  • 当老夫老妻遇上新婚燕尔时,哪种才是婚姻的真谛所在:是一起享受罗曼蒂克,还是在对方需要动手术时开车送他去医院呢?
    It's a show about new marriage versus old marriage, about keeping the romance alive �C or at least staying together so you have someone to drive you to the hospital for your operations.

  • 当老夫老妻遇上新婚燕尔时,哪种才是婚姻的真谛所在:是一起享受罗曼蒂克,还是在对方需要动手术时开车送他去医院呢?
    It's a show about new marriage versus old marriage, about keeping the romance alive – or at least staying together so you have someone to drive you to the hospital for your operations.

  • 一群人的激动热烈的行为,特别是围绕着一个焦点”媒体像沸腾的水一样包围着新婚燕尔的夫妻,竭尽全力的到他们想要的信息。
    Excited activity by a group, especially around a focal point: " The media swirled and boiled around the newlyweds in a kind of all-out feeding frenzy" James Kaplan.

  • 新婚燕尔的小俩口无不希望拥有一个属于自己的天地,或许贷款购屋,或许赁屋而居,对一般双薪家庭也都是笔不小的经济负担。
    Yan's wedding will want to have a misunderstanding of their own world, perhaps housing loans, perhaps rent houses close to the general income families are also no small sum of the economic burden.

  • 1929年,新婚燕尔的维克多和莉赛尔•兰道尔聘用了雷内•冯•阿伯特来设计他们的住所,后来它成为了现代主义派建筑的杰作。
    In 1929, newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer employ Rainer von Abt to design them a house that becomes a masterpiece of modernist architecture.

  • 1936年,美国厨具制造商蒙耐尔金属公司(MonelMetal)为其新款所做的广告就是一张照片:新婚燕尔的贝蒂腰间围裙紧裹。
    In 1936 Monel Metal, an American kitchen manufacturer, advertised a new model with a photograph of Betty, newly wed, apron already securely fastened around her waist.

  • 新婚燕尔,对夫妻生活的需求可以想象,但在这种情况下,又不好意思直接说,于是他们订好暗号,当想ML时,就说:“亲爱的,你想吃橘子吗?”
    Seoul married, the couple living needs can imagine, but in this case, the embarrassed and said that the direct, so they set a good signal, like when the ML, said: "My dear, do you think Chi Juzi?"

  • 译/雷拉新婚燕尔的詹尼弗·加纳和本·阿弗莱克周四在温哥华闲散地消磨时光,阿弗莱克手里拿着一本最新热卖的《哈利波特与混血王子》,正在开始读。
    Newlyweds Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck laze about in Vancouver on Thursday as Affleck gets a head start on the hot-off-the-presses Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

  • 译/雷拉新婚燕尔的詹尼弗·加纳和本·阿弗莱克周四在温哥华闲散地消磨时光,阿弗莱克手里拿着一本最新热卖的《哈利波特与混血王子》,正在开始读。
    Newlyweds Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck laze about in Vancouver on Thursday as Affleck gets a head start on the hot-off-the-presses Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

  • 杨千嬅会送一串60头的长鞭炮礼物给国家庆祝60周年,新婚燕尔的千嬅,巧合地在国家60华诞之年做新娘办喜事,可谓与国家同喜,自然满心都是喜气洋洋!
    Miriam gives a string of 60 firecrackers as a gift to celebrate China's 60th birthday. Since young, Miriam feels that firecrackers will be lighted during new years, weddings and other festive dates.

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