
改头换面  gǎi tóu huàn miàn







  • 所以还是下定决心要改头换面一下。
    Or so to make up its mind about a face-lift.

  • 然后,改头换面卷土重来,继续行骗。
    Then, change, come back and continue to defraud.

  • 你看过‘改头换面,住家版’那个节目吗?
    Do you watch the show "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition"?

  • 中国首都为了这些盛大的比赛彻底改头换面
    China's capital city has completely changed its face for these big games.

  • 住宅改头换面再入市“商务公寓”缘何热销?
    Residential market change to "business apartments" Why fast?

  • 大多数偏远地区还没有像谷堡区那般改头换面
    Most outlying estates have not had Castle Vale's makeover.

  • 之后,改头换面,以清洁工度过接着的八小时。
    He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.

  • 貌似你已经知道这即将是一个改头换面的时刻了。
    You seem to know it will soon be time to make a complete change.

  • 这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。
    There is nothing new here, just the same old ideas in a new guise .

  • 隆恩赌博把钱输光之后,他决定改头换面,重新做人。
    After losing his money gambling, Ron promised to turn over a new leaf.

  • 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。
    Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself.

  • 华尔街从前的主顾有的不仅更换了门庭,有的甚至彻底改头换面了。
    Not only has the address of some of Wall Street's players changed, but so has the origin.

  • 它也许是那种隔几年就会改头换面地被重新传播一次的神奇的民间传说。
    Probably the story is one of those mysterious bits of folklore that reappear every few years, to be told a new in one form or another.

  • 改头换面的《上海往事》在四川电视台播出后,在观众中呈现慢热的趋势。
    Changes external appearances only "the Shanghai Past events" broadcast after the Sichuan television station, in the audience presents the slow hot tendency.

  • 在时装周,时装业夺人眼球的新貌暗示它将会改头换面,因为它需要生存。
    The industry's striking new look at Fashion Week gives a hint of the sort of makeover it will need to survive.

  • 然而却弄成了一场装门面的活动,公共服务笨拙的改头换面成了强制性权利。
    Instead it was a cosmetic exercise, rebranding public-service "standards" as ponderously enforceable "entitlements".

  • 他确信,“胜利”不仅可能,也是根本的,而且民主仍然能使中东改头换面
    He is convinced that "victory" is not just possible but essential, and that the Middle East can still be refashioned by democracy.

  • 虽然我们面临的外部环境岌岌可危,但雅虎已改头换面,且在许多方面比18个月前更强大。
    Despite the external environment we face, the fact remains that yahoo! is now a significantly different company that is stronger in many ways than it was just 18 months ago.

  • 每篇只得五十法郎,不过这类文章好写,我只要查查以前的报纸,把旧文章改头换面抛出就行了。
    They only paid fifty francs a piece, but they were easy to do because I had only to consult the back issues and revamp the old articles.

  • 建筑、照明和冰箱,汽车、货车和飞机,都将改头换面,而我们使用这些东西的方式也会完全改变。
    Buildings and lights and refrigerators, cars and trucks and planes, will be transformed. Transformed, also, will be the ways we use them.

  • 雷克萨斯同样将会为其IS车型改头换面:新的内饰和外观造型,加上悬挂、操控及转向技术的升级…
    Lexus also will unveil a facelift for its IS sedan: new interior and exterior styling, plus modifications to the suspension, steering and paddle-shift technology.

  • 学会自动将你的愿望转换为肯定,接著开始捕捉自己的负面思想,加以改头换面,变成对自己的肯定。
    Learn to automatically turn your wishes into affirmations. Then start catching your negative thoughts, switch them around, and make affirmations our of them.

  • 中英文对照:还有一个说法是这个组织是“旧瓶装新酒”,是改头换面出现的,就是为了使得局面更加混乱。
    There is a saying that the organization is "new wine in old bottles", is the emergence of a face-lift is to make the situation more confusing.

  • 007新书封面展示了这位改头换面的温柔的英国间谍形象和他充满急速汽车、奢华的别墅和迷人的美女们。
    A new exhibition of 007 book covers charts the changing image of the suave British spy and his world of fast cars, luxury casinos and alluring women.

  • 80年代晚期,洛杉矶爱乐公认是潜力有待发挥的二团,因此决定试试运气,赌萨洛能有办法把乐团改头换面
    In the late '80s the orchestra was generally considered a second-tier ensemble with unrealized potential. So it took a chance that Mr. Salonen could shake things up.

  • 贝儿想要改头换面一番,不过在问过大家的意见之后,贝儿发现,只要对自己有信心,外表并不是那麽重要的呢!
    BearTM searches for a new look, but along with everyone else in the Big Blue House, he finds that when you feel good about yourself, just about anything is possible.

  • 是应该继承布什雄心勃勃的计划,将美国的力量与价值观扩展到全世界,还是适可而止,推行改头换面的遏制政策?
    Should it continue with Mr Bush's ambitious policy of exporting America's power and values or should it settle for a more modest policy of containment?

  • 这是奥巴马政府第三次推出改头换面的保尔森计划,每次均加入引人注目的特点,然后宣称奥巴马方案是完全不同的。
    This is the third time Obama launched disguise Paulson plan, each add eye-catching features, then claimed that Obama is completely different.

  • 这类名流文化有一些固有的行事风格,美国民众已经非常习惯,并且感到厌烦;但是这也许是一个机会,能够改头换面成为大众坚实的领袖。
    There are ways that the culture of celebrity gets used in America that are really unappealing, but it can also be an opportunity for substantive public leadership.

  • 但是,如果不能取得家长的支持,那肯定就像是在打一场必败之仗。我认为,委员会要取得成功,必须将我们独立后37年来所建立的文化价值观,改头换面
    But it will be a losing battle if the family unit itself is not involved because I believe the committee's success is rooted in a revamp of an entire culture built from 37 years of independence.

  • 改头换面造句相关
