
饥寒交迫  jī hán jiāo pò








  • 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。
    The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.

  • 饥寒交迫可不是闹著玩的。
    Being cold and hungry is no joke.

  • 伯纳德蒂大多数时候处于饥寒交迫之中。
    Bernadette was famished most of the time.

  • 在这内战最后的冬季,很多人饥寒交迫
    Many were starving and freezing in this last winter of the long civil war.

  • 它很有可能迷路了,饥寒交迫。不知所措。
    He's probably out there lost, cold, confused.

  • 日晒风吹、饥寒交迫
    Sun and wind, hungry and cold.

  • 冬天不吃,少吃,饥寒交迫,相信没人能受得了。
    Do not eat in the winter, eat less, hungry and cold, I believe no one can withstand.

  • 时滕县官贪赃枉法,敲诈勒索,人民饥寒交迫,苦不堪言。
    When corrupt officials滕xian , extortion, and the people suffer hunger and cold, miserable.

  • 我真希望死的时候贫困潦倒,饥寒交迫,一个亲人也不在身边。
    I should like to die miserable , poor, and starving, without a friend.

  • 没有人给过她一个铜板。可怜的小人饥寒交迫,看起来很凄惨。
    Nobody had even given her a copper. The poor little creature was hungry and perishing with cold and she looked the picture of misery.

  • 交战双方饥寒交迫筋疲力尽的人们开始思考,一*疑虑开始蔓延。
    Into the minds of tired and hungry men on both sides, a flicker of doubt began to creep.

  • 在我眼中,他俩看起来很不好受,一副饥寒交迫、衣衫褴褛的样子。
    And to my eyes they looked uncomfortable, they looked cold and they looked poor.

  • 没过几年,恰逢江西水旱接踵,灾害不断,老百姓挣扎在饥寒交迫之中。
    A few years, coincides with the Jiangxi flood after another, constantly disaster, ordinary people are struggling in the cold and hunger.

  • 你是在说那个被你遗弃的孩子吗,那个你以为已经死于饥寒交迫的孩子吗?
    MRS. ARBUTHNOT. Are you talking of the child you abandoned? Of the child who, as far as you are concerned, might have died of hunger and of want?

  • 饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。
    He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.

  • 我已经感到饥寒交迫了,可为了学业,我努力地使自己不因物质渴望而分心。
    I have felt cold and hunger, and may make studies, I try to make that they are not distracted by material desire.

  • 相传古希腊神普罗米修斯为解救饥寒交迫的人类,瞒着宙斯偷取火种带到人间。
    Hands down ancient Greece god Prometheus for the humanity which rescues suffers hunger and cold, hides the truth from Zeus to steal the kindling material belt to the world.

  • 想想穷孩子在饥寒交迫中的生活,对比之下,现在我们生活在社会主义国家里是多么的幸福啊!
    Want in the life in the suffering from cold and hunger, the poor kid contrasts under, now our living in the socialism nation is what happiness!

  • 在春天、夏天和秋天,他很快活。可是一到冬天,他便饥寒交迫,常常吃不上晚饭就上床睡觉。
    During spring and summer and autumn he was very happy, but when winter came, he suffered from cold and hunger, and often went to bed without supper.

  • 进入严寒的冬天之后,明朝的救援军队又赶到朝鲜,日军在饥寒交迫中牺牲惨重,厌战气氛弥漫。
    Into the winter, the Ming Dynasty army also rushed to the rescue of North Korea, suffering from cold and hunger in the Japanese army at the expense of heavy, filled with an atmosphere of war.

  • 这两个师的所有团都饥寒交迫、蓬头垢面。他们已经没有了往日的威风,而且他们缺少武器和车辆。
    The half-starved and lice-infested remnants of the two divisions were in no shape to do much beyond clean and repair their paltry stocks of weapons and vehicles.

  • 可是,就算我一两天里躲过了这许多危险,到头来除了饥寒交迫悲惨地死去外,我还能有什么期望呢?
    Or if I escaped these dangers for a day or two, what could I expect but a miserable death of cold and hunger?

  • 对于那些贫穷的人们,我们保证和你们一起建设繁茂的农场和干净的水源,滋养那些饥寒交迫的身体和心灵。
    To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds.

  • 对于那些贫穷的人们,我们保证和你们一起建设繁茂的农场和干净的水源,滋养那些饥寒交迫的身体和心灵。
    Regarding these poor people, we guaranteed that constructs the luxuriant farm and the clean water source together with you, nourishes body which and mind these suffer hunger and cold.

  • 1958年6月15日直播的电视剧《一口菜饼子》,讲述一位母亲将仅有的一口菜饼子留给女儿,在饥寒交迫中死去的故事。
    June 15, 1958 broadcast of the TV series "a son of Cai Bing, " about a mother will be the only son left a daughter, Cai Bing, who died from cold and hunger in the story.

  • 一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品。饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。
    One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.

  • 但在异域的草木中经过步履蹒跚的12小时后,我竟饥寒交迫地伫立在原本应是很浪漫的东非星空下,而一股彷徨无措的感觉不由自主地从心底升起。
    I found myself disoriented, cold and hungry, under the otherwise romantic night sky of East Africa, after 12 hours of stumbling along the alien vegetation.

  • 古希腊神普罗米修斯为解救饥寒交迫的人类,瞒着宙斯到阿波罗太阳神偷取火种,带到人间,火到人间就再也收不回去。宙斯只好规定,在燃起圣火之前,必须向他祭祀。
    In order to help humans alleviate cold and hunger and coldness, he managed to steal a flame from the sun god Apollo without telling Jupiter.

  • 那些对宠物狂热的人有时会忘记自己的职责。令人觉得耻辱的是.很多动物吃的是好食物,而在这个人口过多、田难重重的世界某些地方却有成千上万的人过着饥寒交迫的生活。
    Those who are crazy about pets sometimes neglect their duties, it is a shame that many animals eat good food while thousands of people go hungry in some parts of our overpopulated, troubled world.

  • 她年幼失去双亲,寄人篱下的日子饱受饥寒交迫,还需要做许许多多的家务。有一天,小女孩决定逃离家园,有一个好心的爷爷把她带了回家。虽然爷爷很穷,但他让她吃得饱,也让她上学去。
    A little orphanage girl was runaway from the home as the relatives treated her badly, an old man brought her home, gave her proper food and education, even though he is very poor.

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