
贻害无穷  yí hài wú qióng







  • 但是产生的后果却有可能贻害无穷
    but the results can be disastrous.

  • 养成浪费的习惯对一个人的一生影响贻害无穷
    An extravagant habit may produce a lasting and disastrous impact on one's life.

  • 没有人能真正地从心底喜欢灵魂,获得灵魂将贻害生命于无穷
    Nobody can really be pleased at the bottom of his heart with spirit, an acquisition so damaging to life.

  • 你说得对,汤姆回答,没有得到搜查令的搜查其后果肯定会贻害无穷
    I guess your right, Tom replied. Searching without a warrant could prove to be a detriment.

  • 于拳理懵然不知者亦有之,却说玄弄虚,言不及义,则更是贻害无穷
    Mengranbuzhi in boxing was also the rationale, said Hyun up empty, not just words, more Yihai is endless.

  • “你说得对,”汤姆回答,“么有得到搜查令的搜查其后果肯定会贻害无穷
    "I guess you're right, " Tom replied. "Searching lacking a warrant have to prove to be a detriment.

  • “你说得对,”汤姆回答,“没有得到搜查令的搜查其后果肯定会贻害无穷
    "I guess you're right, " Tom replied. "Searching without a warrant could prove to be a detriment.

  • 旧世界打破了,新世界却没有建立起来,思想和教育的混乱不清将贻害无穷
    The Old World has broken, the new world has not actually established, the thought and the education will be chaotic not not clear causes endless trouble.

  • 类似这样的错误理论,在逻辑上从来都站不住脚,但一旦有人相信,就贻害无穷
    Theories as false as this are never held with logical consistency, but they do great harm because they are held at all.

  • 这种看似简单的一件事,如果做到了可能没人会为此而大事赞扬,但是不去做,却贻害无穷
    This seemingly simple thing, and if possible no one will be a major event for that purpose, but do not do it, but it would do untold damage.

  • 知道友谊的珍贵,我们就该谨慎交友。好朋友对我们帮助很多,而不好的朋友则贻害无穷。日久见人心。
    Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. A good friend is helpful to us while a bad friend would be harmful.

  • 对乡村教育问题的简单归纳,可能导致真正的问题被遮蔽,隐而不现,这对于乡村教育的健康发展贻害无穷
    The brief summarization of these problems will probably lead to the overshadow of true problems, which will be very harmful to the future.

  • 泡沫这个没有清楚界定的词汇在社会生活中甚至在学术领域中的滥用,如果影响到投资,影响到国民经济,将贻害无穷
    bubble that did not clearly define terms in the social life even in areas of abuse, if affecting investment, affecting the national economy, would do untold damage.

  • 不幸的读者还可能被灌输这样一种误导:通胀看上去竟有点像肺结核———一个曾在我们父辈时代中贻害无穷人人闻之色变但而今对我们却如隔靴搔痒的“魔鬼”。
    Unfortunately, the reader is left with the misguided idea that inflation is a bit like tuberculosis: a terrible scourge in our parents' era but one that has little impact on our own.

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