
与世长辞  yǔ shì cháng cí








  • 1941年波格隆与世长辞,没能亲睹工程计划完成。
    Boge Long died in 1941, did not witness the completion of the project.

  • 首先听到应许的始祖与世长辞了,却没能看到它应验。
    Those who first received it died without the sight.

  • 周五这位“会晤新闻界”的主持人突发心脏病与世长辞
    The "Meet the Press" host died Friday of a heart attack.

  • 他同父异母兄弟法德国王在患病很久以后,周一与世长辞
    His half-brother, King Fahd, who had suffered a long illness, died last Monday.

  • 现在,阿拉法特在经历了这一段痛苦的日子后,与世长辞了。
    And now, after these painful days of President Arafat, he is dead.

  • 如今,他们大都已经与世长辞,但还有一些老革命家跨入了新世纪。
    Nowadays, they mostly already die, but still a few old revolutionist crossed new century.

  • 不幸的是,被誉为疗伤系的这位歌手,周六早晨因乳癌病逝与世长辞
    Unfortunately, however, this singer, often referred to as a "healing" singer, passed away early Saturday morning from breast cancer.

  • 在他与世长辞的前一刻,是他的话语让这个梦从来没有结束,也不能结束。
    Maybe this dream can not be ended with Mr. Buffe's last words in his life.

  • 在经历了与白血病的长期斗争后,这位爱迪塔罗德大赛四届冠军得主与世长辞
    The four-time Iditarod Champ died after a long battle with leukemia.

  • 克里希那穆提孜孜不倦的向全世界宣讲一直到1986年他于九十高龄与世长辞
    Krishnamurti continued to speak all over the world until he died in 1986 at the age of ninety.

  • 1909年,乔治·梅瑞狄斯与世长辞,英国作家协会主席一职由他的朋友哈代继任。
    Hardy succeeded on the death of his friend George Meredith to the presidency of the Society of Authors in 1909.

  • 我被两个人所共有,一半时间呆在新西兰,一半时间呆在美国,直至去年父亲与世长辞
    I was divided between them, half the time New Zealand, half the time United States, until my father's death last year.

  • 在12月12日那一天,他功成身殁,与世长辞。这对我们国家和正义事业都是一个损失。
    On December 12, in the full tine of success, he died. This was a loss to the nation and to the Cause.

  • 有多少人在享受赫赫威名之后被人遗忘了,又有多少人在称颂别人的威名之后亦与世长辞了。
    How many after being celebrated by fame have been given up to oblivion; and how many who have celebrated the fame of others have long been dead.

  • 克莉丝蒂终其一生写作不坠,她于一九七六年一月与世长辞,世界各地的读者莫不感到哀痛。
    Christie continued writing her entire life. When she died in January 1976, readers around the world mourned her death.

  • 极富传奇色彩的新闻主播沃尔特•克朗凯与世长辞,享年92岁。他被称为美国最可信任的人。
    Walter Cronkite, one of the most legendary news readers, passed away in his 92th. He is called the most reliable person in America.

  • “世界历史上最成功的艺术家”与世长辞,留人们于悲伤之中,抑或庆幸之中。但,决不是漠然。
    "The most successful artist in world history" has left us, in sorrow or in relief, but definitely not in indifference.

  • 曾培育出一种新型小麦,使十亿人免受饥饿之苦的科学家,诺贝尔奖获得者诺曼·伯劳格与世长辞
    Scientist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug, who developed a type of wheat that saved one billion people from starvation, has died.

  • 可是它的导演张波同志却在拍完重庆的外景返回广州时,因心脏病突发于今年七月三日与世长辞了。
    When but its director Comrade Zhang Bo is in however, the outer door scene that takes Chongqing returns Guangzhou, because heart disease is broken out this year on July 3 die.

  • 瑞安,科里•贝斯和艾里克•安德森的与世长辞给麦迪的内心带来了最大的痛苦和最灰暗最伤痛的回忆。
    The deaths of Ryan T. , Corey Bess and Eric Anderson hurt McGrady the most. He grew up with them. They shared his NBA dream. They all died as McGrady lived their dream.

  • 一个品学兼优的学生,还没来得及为社会作贡献,还没来得及报答养育他的患病的母亲,就这样与世长辞了!
    A good student and behaved very well went to his eternal sleep before he could contribute to society and repay his physically mother.

  • 1969年9月2日,胡志明与世长辞,享年79岁。六年之后他的军队涌入了西贡(议案:已改名为胡志明市)。
    Ho died on Sept. 2, 1969, at the age of 79, some six years before his battalions surged into Saigon.

  • 艾德蒙赫拉瑞爵士,第一位登上世界最高峰的人并赢得20世纪最伟大探险家之一称号的人,与世长辞,享年88岁。
    Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb the world's highest mountain and win fame as one of the 20th century's greatest adventurers, has died. He was 88.

  • 1965年90岁高龄的丘吉尔与世长辞,他曾先后于1940-1945年和1951-1955年间担任英国首相。
    Churchill, who died at the age of 90 in 1965, led Britain between 19401945again from 1951 to 1955.

  • 演员保罗纽曼的发言人发布讣告——在和癌症斗争多年后,昨天纽曼在康涅狄格州韦斯特波特镇他的农场与世长辞,享年83岁。
    Actor Paul Newman has died at the age of 83. His publicist says he died yesterday at his farmhouse near Westport, Connecticut after a long battle with cancer.

  • 声明这样写道:“爱德华•肯尼迪——我们深深挚爱的丈夫、父亲、祖父、兄弟、叔叔——周二深夜在海厄尼斯港的家中与世长辞
    "Edward M. Kennedy — the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply — died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port, " the statement said.

  • 没想到这次共进晚餐后不久,母亲就因为心脏病突发与世长辞了。母亲的离去是如此的突然,我甚至没有来得及为她做任何一点事情。
    Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined.

  • 没过多久,和她感情甚笃的同母异父的姐姐史黛拉也与世长辞,然后她父亲也去世了,我是说,她在短短的时间里就要承受这么多打击。
    Hermione Lee: Then immediately, her half sister, to whom she was very close, Stella, died. And then her father, died. I mean, it's just a sort of staggering succession of blows.

  • 阿玛迪亚以最威严的口吻起诉了约翰•罗尔斯——于2002年与世长辞的一位美国哲学家,原因是罗尔斯先生让政治思想家们步入到一条饱受痛楚的未知道路。
    In the costliest of tones, Mr Sen charges John Rawls, an American philosopher who died in 2002, with sending political thinkers up a tortuous blind alley.

  • 3年后,84岁的富兰克林与世长辞,人们为他举行了盛大、庄严的葬礼,这是他多年来为祖国、为世界所做贡献应得的回报。法国国民议会和美国众议院决定为纪念他戴孝致哀。
    When he died three years later, at the age of 84, he was buried with all the solemn pomp and splendor befitting his many years of service to his country and the world.

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