
三十而立  sān shí ér lì







  • 不同的是,三十而立的他打算开始寻觅人生伴侣。
    Difference is that in his 30's he intends to begin looking for life partner.

  • 孔子说“三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命”。
    Confucius said, "Sanshierli, 40 and the perplexed, 50 to know your destiny."

  • 三十而立之后还能保持如此青春本色,唯何炅是也!
    After the thirty years old, can also maintain so the youth true colors, only He Gui!

  • 人们常说的“三十而立”,其实就是中年生活的前奏了。
    People often say the  is actually a prelude to a middle-aged life.

  • 我们从世界不同地方聚集于此,向我们三十而立的尊贵的国王致敬。
    We are coming from different parts in the world to salute to you, a royal thirty-year-old Dubb-ness here.

  • 三十而立”的杭州剧院想让自己更丰富,更艺术,把画廊搬进了剧院。
    "thirty years old" the Hangzhou theater wants to be richer oneself, art, has moved in the decorated corridor the theater.

  • 三十而立,有了家庭事业,不在鲁莽,心中少了些许浮躁,多了许多沉稳;
    Sanshierli, with the family business, not reckless, heart less a little impetuous, more than a lot of calm;

  • 众所周之,跳水队的运功员年龄差距非常大,小至不满十六,大到三十而立
    It is weeks, the diving team member Yun Gong age gap is very big to small dissatisfaction with the 16, to Sanshierli.

  • 爱德华?维克和马歇尔?斯科维兹:《三十而立》、我的所谓人生》、再续前缘》。
    Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz: Thirtysomething, My So-Called Life, Once and Again.

  • 三十而立,中华民族用改革开放30年的光辉历程,以崭新的姿态屹立于世界民族之林。
    Sanshierli, with the Chinese reform and opening up 30 years of glorious history, with a new attitude stands in the nations of the world.

  • 那么,该如何正确而巧妙理财,才能使自己置业无忧、养家不愁,真正做到三十而立呢?
    then how to correct the fiscal and ingenious, can they buy food, the home need not worry, and really something?

  • 那么,该如何正确而巧妙地理财,才能使自己置业无忧、养家不愁,真正做到三十而立呢?
    In that case, the proper financial management and skillfully to make their own home without any worry, worry about their families, Sanshierli really do?

  • 该牌楼建于清康熙三十年代末,为陈昌期去世后,其儿子陈廷敬为了炫耀陈家的显赫而立的。
    Dynasty Emperor Kangxi of the arch at the end of the thirties for Chen Changben period after the death of his son Chenchen ting jing prominent in order to show off the stand.

  • 人说,三十而立,立什么,先立业后成家,如今事业也有了,如夫人也有了,只是爱巢还没有。
    Said that the man, to what, after the first down married, but now there has been the cause, there has been Rufuren is also no love nest.

  • 正如孔子曰「三十而立」,过去的三十年本院亦经历了不少的改革和转变,方取得今天的斐然成就。
    Just as Confucius said he became independent at thirty, we have come a long way over the past thirty years to be fully - fledged too.

  • 公元前522年,孔子三十岁,这是孔子一生关键的一年,他曾说:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立。”
    B. C was a crucial year in Confucius's life as he was thirty years old then.

  • 子曰:“吾,十有五,而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”
    At thirty, I had planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven.

  • 从某种意义上看,北京奥运会的成功,犹如改革开放三十而立的“成人礼”,由此,我们国家正式进入“后奥运”时代。
    In some way, the success of the games is just like "the thirty age independence adult curtsy".

  • 二十岁到三十岁,是一个人为自己的事业打基础的黄金年华,应当时刻警醒自己:三十而立,到三十岁时能否“立”起来?
    Second-year-old to three-year-old, is a man-made cause of their golden years laying the foundation should be vigilant ourselves: the three-year-old stand, when the three-year-old can "立" together?

  • 三十而立造句相关
