
骑虎难下  qí hǔ nán xià








  • 威廉姆已经是骑虎难下,不能退出了!
    William has a monkey on his back and can't quit.

  • 拧狼耳,骑虎难下
    He holds a wolf by the ears.

  • 这事儿都是彼得闹起来的,现在他骑虎难下了。
    Peter started the whole thing, and he has a tiger by the tail now.

  • 因为对形势作了草率的评论,他现在真是骑虎难下
    He's really out on a limb because of his premature statement about the situation.

  • 这也使得不少开发商骑虎难下,退,明显要有很大损失;
    This makes a lot of developers Jihunanxia back, obviously have a great loss;

  • 骑虎难下
    To ride the tiger.

  • 实际上,麻生现在是骑虎难下,做也不是,不做也不是。
    In effect, Mr Aso looks damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

  • 从你同意完成那项庞大的工程开始,我们就骑虎难下了。
    You've had a bear by the tail ever since you agreed to finish that big project.

  • 因已宣布调查美方的所谓的倾销行为,中方似显骑虎难下
    Having announced an investigation into America's alleged dumping, it will be hard to back away.

  • 否则,简单、草率地决策只会让自己陷入骑虎难下的境地。
    Otherwise, simple, hasty decision will only make yourself on thin ice.

  • 在这种情况下,一些小开发商骑虎难下,承受了巨大的压力。
    In this case, some small developers were unable to back down, have withstood the huge pressure.

  • 从你开始同意完成那项庞大的工程开始,我们就骑虎难下了。
    You've have a bear by the tail ever since you agreed to finish that big project .

  • 我想,这就是我们常说的“骑虎难下”吧。又学了一句英语成语。
    "It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten, " Raju, said in his letter.

  • 独裁者骑虎难下,而老虎正变得饥饿。----温斯顿。丘吉尔。
    Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry. ----Winston Churchill.

  • 拉于说:“这就象骑虎难下,不知道什么时候会反被老虎吃掉。”
    "It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten, " Mr Raju wrote.

  • 情况就是,我们现在骑虎难下,我们不能留着他,也不能安全地让他离开。
    But as it is, we have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.

  • 但我现在能说的是,在这场斗争中她已经被西方媒体当作牺牲品而骑虎难下
    But all I can say is, she has been lifted up by western media as a martyr in this battle for Tibet.

  • 我责备她怎么能把这告诉妈妈,让我骑虎难下,菲菲却扑哧一笑,硬拉着我去见她母亲。
    I blame her how to can tell mother this, let my have no way to back down, luxuriant and beautiful attacks however Chi laughs, pulling me forcedly to see her mother.

  • 乔只不过想劝说他的两姐妹别再争吵了,但是到头来他自己反倒卷入了纠纷,骑虎难下
    All Joe tried to do was to end the fight between his two sisters, but he ended up having a bear by the tail.

  • Allison提到华盛顿所面临的骑虎难下的境地,它正力图从伊拉克的沼泽中脱身而出。
    Mr. Allison was touching on the central dilemma facing Washington as it tries to extract itself from the morass of Iraq.

  • 然而在整个健身行业的内部,经过一段时间的经营,大多数健身俱乐部举步维艰而又骑虎难下
    However, in entire fitness profession through a period of time management, the majority fitness club is hard toes start and also unable to back down.

  • 善意的嘲笑看起来是一根合适的棍棒,但运用时必须非常谨慎,并注意技巧,否则你可能骑虎难下
    Good-humoured mockery seems to be a proper rod but great caution and skill are necessary in the use of it or you may happen to catch a tartar.

  • 水景住宅的设计必须具有前瞻性,盲目追求设计水景迎合市场的需求,最后骑虎难下,说到底还是烂摊子。
    Residential design features to be forward-looking, blind pursuit of the design features meet market demand, the final itself, in the final analysis, or mess.

  • 因为从去年年底开始,北京房价就开始走高,进入2006年北京房价更是一路飙升,大有“骑虎难下”之势。
    Since the end of last year, Beijing began to move house, entered 2006 Beijing residents are all soaring, a "difficult" situation.

  • 如果开发商在水景设计上缺乏前瞻性,不考虑自身条件盲目迎合市场需求,最终只能落下个滥摊子,骑虎难下
    If developers in the design of the lack of forward-looking features not consider themselves blind to the conditions of market demand, and eventually only ended a indiscriminate scale, itself.

  • 而来势汹汹的尹俊相自然也一心求战,棋局刚进行10余手时,双方已经在左上骑虎难下,一场恶战不可避免。
    But threatening Yin Jun also wholeheartedly seeks battle naturally, when the chess game just carried on 10, both sides were already unable to back down on the left, a fierce battle is inevitable.

  • 于是乎,中超赛场出现了一个奇特的景象:八场成了悬在中国足协头上的达摩克利斯之剑,也让他们骑虎难下
    As a result, appeared in court more than a peculiar scene: eight hanging over the Chinese Football Association has become the head of the Sword of Damocles, so that they Qihunanxia.

  • 安南随后发表公告称,伊拉克危机已经把联合国带到了“骑虎难下”的局面,这一状况就如同1945年联合国刚刚建立时一样。
    General Assembly on Tuesday, Annan declared that the Iraq crisis had brought the United Nations to a "fork in the road" as decisive as 1945 when the world body was founded.

  • 这种骑虎难下的局面在12月16日发生了最后的扭转,其时拉于试图以16亿元向萨蒂扬兜售其家族企业梅塔斯房地产和梅塔斯基建。
    The ride took a final turn on December 16th, when Mr Raju tried to buy two firms owned by his family, Maytas Properties and Maytas Infra, for $1. 6 billion.

  • 北京大学景观设计中心主任俞孔坚认为,北京做水景要特别谨慎,如果设计没有前瞻性,盲目追求设计水景迎合市场的需求,最后难免骑虎难下
    Beijing University said that Beijing do features to be especially careful, and if the design is not forward-looking, blind pursuit of the design features meet market demand, and finally it back.

  • 骑虎难下造句相关
